View Poll Results: Do you use tape with your coticule?

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  • Yes

    16 34.78%
  • No

    20 43.48%
  • Sometimes

    9 19.57%
  • Other

    1 2.17%
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  1. #11
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    I use one layer of tape when I have completely set the bevel and honed all the way through a progression with one layer of tape, or if there is something fancy about the razor that I want to keep free of hone wear. If the razor is just a workhorse for me, or if it's been honed w/out tape I will go straight to the coticule with no tape.

    I have noticed ZERO difference in my edges from taped to no-tape honing. There have been really long and sometimes heated debates about this topic, but IME the effect of tape is negligible unless you are trying to prevent any look of honewear, or you are trying to get through chips quicker (but in that case I still only use 1 layer).

  2. #12
    Senior Member kevint's Avatar
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    I think if you used to the feel of tape it may take awhile to get those same results without. Some may be better at switching between with no problem.

    Technically Sham is correct there should be no real difference in sharpness.

    Except for those differences we introduce as a result of how the razor feels on the hone. continue and things will turn around I do believe

  3. #13
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    As a follow up question:

    I have recently ordered the Dovo Silver Steel razor (waiting in anticipation) and I am thinking about ordering the "Bismarck". Both have gilding on the spine. Would these razors look bad after a while if I hone without taping the spine?

  4. #14
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    This will depend some on your honing skill but if all you ever do is give them an occasional touch up you'll not do much cosmetically other than polish the factory hone marks. If you chip the edge & need to reset the bevel, tape will save a lot of wear.
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  5. #15
    The Mok Ookla's Avatar
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    Most of my blades were originally honed with tape. Instead of trying to keep track of which ones are/aren't, I tape all of mine.

  6. #16
    Woo hoo! StraightRazorDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BHChieftain View Post
    It sounds like you are talking about using tape to get a double-bevel vs. using tape to protect the spine.

    I used to use tape for the double bevel effect, and it worked, but I really wanted to get the blade just as sharp with a single bevel. So I went back to the drawing board, and reset my razors with a single bevel (no tape).

    I'm able to get great edges with a single bevel off the coticule now, using the dillution method. It just takes me a *lot* longer to get there (single bevel=larger bevel...). For my 1/4 wacker, it probably takes me an hour dilluting down the slurry, then I do about 200 strokes with just water. The process is much faster on my full hollow Dovo.

    +1. That's what I thought too. I use a layer of tape if I am doing the unicot method of honing on a coticule, which introduces a double-bevel. But if I hone by slowly diluted the slurry, as Chief mentioned above, then I don't use a layer of tape. So it really depends what method of honing I am doing on my coticule. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's all here:

    EDIT: The 2 methods described above also work for starting with X layers of tape and leaving it on throughout the entire process (through slurry dilution), or adding an additional layer (X+1 layers) of tape to create the double bevel as in the the unicot method of honing on a coticule.

  7. #17
    Does the barber shave himself...? PA23-250's Avatar
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    If I'm honing a wedge, absolutely; otherwise no, unless I'm doing a unicot edge. I mostly do dilucots, though.

  8. #18
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I don't think the tape issue has anything to do with a coticule so I didn't vote. I don't tape as a rule. The only time I do is with a couple of razors with double bevels and a few with ornate spines.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    I only use tape for super high grit finishes. When I fool around on my coticule, I don't feel it is fine enough to get an advantage from taping, so taping for me is only at the very end with a super High grit finisher and recently with .1Micron diamond film sent to me a another rmember. I use to use it for initial bevel set, but I don't anymore.

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