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03-14-2010, 02:26 AM #1
Honing out chips in hollow ground blades
I recently bought a Boker on eBay from my iPhone. On the phone, I thought the chip was smaller than it really was. It ended up being something like 1/16" out of a 5/8" blade. I've mostly removed it through honing on a Naniwa 1k with 2 layers of tape. I've been doing mostly circles and a few X-Strokes.
Here are my questions:
Does this honing damage the razor permanently, or does it just change the nature of the grind? That is, is a hollow ground unusable after this, or is it just a slightly smaller blade with a wedgier grind?
My second question involves my honing itself. I noticed that there is a very slight frown developing near the back of the razor. How do I hone this out? Zero pressure and circles?
I will post pics when I get a chance to show you what I mean. This is especially useful, cause I bought a 5 dollar Kama off ebay that had a similar, but slightly smaller, chip in a different part of the edge (I was already buying two razors from that seller tonight, so I figured what the hell. 5 bucks won't kill me and it'll be a fun chip to mess around with).
03-14-2010, 05:07 AM #2
The Following User Says Thank You to hi_bud_gl For This Useful Post:
heirkb (03-15-2010)