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  1. #1
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    Default Need honing advice for an old razor...

    Recently, I bought a straight razor at a local antique mall for $18.00. The razor is identifed on the shoulder with the inscription "Joseph Elliot's Celebrated Razor". Also, inscribed on the blade are the words "Universally Approved Best Silver Steel". I make the blade at the point to be 6/8 and the length from end of tang to end of point as 5 1/2". It is a wedge blade.

    I have tried twice to set a new bevel on this blade using the Aggressive Honing Ratio table described in the Norton Honing Pyramid Honing Guide on the web. So, far I have had no(!) success. The blade remains dull enough that I can run my finger down the blade or across it with some pressure and there is no indication that the blade might "bite" me. Needless to say, this blade will not shave at all - it won't even cut me.

    After the second failed attempt, I took a good hard look at the blade in bright light and begin to wonder if I am honing the edge at all. I am not an expert on SR8's or honing, but a closer inspection of the blade suggests to me that it has been badly abused. There are honing striations from the bottom of the blade almost to the top on b both sides and even some striations on the shoulder of the blade below the inscription and right above the jimps.

    My thinking is that because the blade is thick (compared to other blades I have), I may need to put some electrical tape on the spine in order to get enough elevation of the blade to bring the edge, not the sides, into contact with the stone. I am suspicious that I have been honing the sides and not the edge.

    Does this solution to getting an edge on a thick, wedge blade make any sense? Am II doing something else wrong?

    Although the scales are banged up and chipped on the point end, I think this razor would be a nice addition to the several SR8's I have now and might also make a good shaver - if I can get it honed.

    Any suggestions of thoughts would be appreciated!

    Nelson Kent
    (aka Crashtestdummy)

  2. #2
    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    a true wedge has a bevel that goes all the way to the spine
    i doubt 4-8k hones will do much to that

    you can use tape to create a secondary bevel
    i still think a faster stone will help tho and possibly be needed

  3. #3
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Tape certainly might help. You really need to figure out whether you're hitting the edge or not.

  4. #4
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    You don't do honing pyramids until the bevel is established . I use a 1k , and sometimes a 220 to establish a bevel . Electrical tape will make the job go faster , but you will need to tape the spine every time you touch up the edge . Sounds like you have some honing time ahead of you . It will take some time to put a bevel on a razor that is butter knife dull .
    BTW the reason the edge is not touching the stone is because you need to establish the bevel .
    Last edited by dave5225; 03-16-2010 at 12:47 AM.
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nelsonkent View Post

    After the second failed attempt, I took a good hard look at the blade in bright light and begin to wonder if I am honing the edge at all
    My thinking is that because the blade is thick
    Do not skip the marker test to make it easy to see where
    your hone touches the razor. Mark it up a lot and
    give it one pass up and down the hone and inspect.

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