Hello all,

Just recieved my set of Naniwa Hones ... they look great! I got he DMT325 then the Naniwa 1000/5000/8000/12000.... No instruction manual and if there were it would probably be in Japanese...

So is there any preparation of these stones required? I've read somewhere that nortons need to be lapped or something before use... These stone sure look like they don't require anything.. but I thought I'd ask...

Also I read somewhere that the Naniwa's don't need to be soaked... that spraying them prior to use is sufficient... is that also true?

After use.. what is the best way to clean them before putting them away?

Last... I've read all the Wiki... watched lynn's DVD.... which I can't seem to find right now... and I'm trying to remember a good video for learning how to set the bevel... any suggestions beside Lynn's?? video...

tnx for your help.... excited to try them out today.... will probably try a touch up first before trying to set a bevel on freshly restored...

Hve the pyramid written down... soon to memorize...
