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  1. #21
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    Awhile back I honed a frameback which I think is even worse then a wedge imho for getting a bevel set. I say the more tape the better, but Glen would know best here. I know the extra tape worked for me.

    The worst honing experience I had as far as time put into the honing process was the Puma I recently honed, the reason was I had to flatten the edge to make it even and not frowning, so I had to start from scratch not even a factory bevel on there, that was a PITA with just a 1k.

    good luck

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Victory is mine! The 4 layer tape trick worked like a champ. No test shave yet but I can honestly say I've gotten great shaves from razors not this sharp.

    Thanks for the skulls up on the framebacks I have one at a local antique place (a Le Coultre) that I've been stalking for a while. Not that you've necessarily convince me not to buy it but this will be a challenge if it's more of a PITA than this wedge. Then again, once I did it properly, the wedge wasn't all that bad.
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  3. #23
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Its really great when it finally clicks, and the next time a razor like this comes along you'll know exactly how to handle it..!

  4. #24
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    You should be able to get arm hair shaved during the first bevel step. If not, I would not move up on the stones.

    Nun2sharp, do you remove tape after the bevel stage? You mentioned you "start" with four layers insinuating that you remove layers.
    Actually this means I may add tape as necessary, I have heard Sham say he has used up to 7 layers. Once the bevel is set, keep the tape on and move through your usual progressions, remove the tape when you are satisfied with the shave.
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  5. #25
    Moe is offline
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    If you used tape for setting the edge and honing, would it also be recommended to use same amount of tape if you are just touching it up on a barber's hone when it starts pulling?

    Thanks in advance,


  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    Actually this means I may add tape as necessary, I have heard Sham say he has used up to 7 layers. Once the bevel is set, keep the tape on and move through your usual progressions, remove the tape when you are satisfied with the shave.
    Kelly is right about number of tapes to use on true wedge blade. I don't think you will see true wedge which honed some kinda guiding tool. I am not sure the name of the tool.
    But i do think in early 19 or late 18 th cent Some people did use special tool to put the edge to the true wedge blade.
    I have to say i have seen only 3 blades with that type honing.
    To hone that blade you should add as many layers of tape as you need to rich the bevel point.
    (it will depend what thickness of the tool they used.)
    I think at the moment knife people or chisel users do use similar tool.
    what that tool does is saves the back of the blade but you do have perfect bevel set.
    hope this clears your doubts.

  7. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moe View Post
    If you used tape for setting the edge and honing, would it also be recommended to use same amount of tape if you are just touching it up on a barber's hone when it starts pulling?

    Thanks in advance,

    touching up with barber hones answer will be yes.
    but while stropping will depends on number of tapes . i think 3 layers of tape is the max after that you will need to put tape to strop.this is approximately.
    will depends what type tape you have used thickness etc.
    Last edited by hi_bud_gl; 04-13-2010 at 11:38 PM.

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