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Thread: Have you ever??

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Default Have you ever??

    Have you ever had a near wedge that you taped and brought back to the hones 3 times and cannot get a close/smooth shave out of it. This one is made by Lane and Read / American Cutlery. I have had no problems getting edges on my greaves/butchers/Hawcroft,but this one is giving me stress!! I had to put 5 layers of tape on the spine to get a nice bevel,one that was not to wide.Are there just some steel out there that just wont CUT IT.Has any body had a razor that they just gave up on???? thanks

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    This razor

    The Wedge That Popped My Cherry - Straight Razor Place Forums

    Took me two days, I had to step away twice from it, I even had to rebuff it...

    4 1/2 hours just to set the bevel correctly,, The problem was it had multiple bevels from some of the previous owners over the last 100 years.... I had to get all those even, then finally put an edge on it...

    If you are working Wedge styles, learn the 45+ degree heel forward stoke, dragging the edge across the hone that way, you can feel all the bevels, once that becomes a nice smooth feel, then you are getting there...

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    This razor

    The Wedge That Popped My Cherry - Straight Razor Place Forums

    Took me two days, I had to step away twice from it, I even had to rebuff it...

    4 1/2 hours just to set the bevel correctly,, The problem was it had multiple bevels from some of the previous owners over the last 100 years.... I had to get all those even, then finally put an edge on it...

    If you are working Wedge styles, learn the 45+ degree heel forward stoke, dragging the edge across the hone that way, you can feel all the bevels, once that becomes a nice smooth feel, then you are getting there...
    thanks glen for the tip. After i take the razor out of the trashcan i will give it another go around.

  5. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    There ya go brother, if you still have a sense of humor going, then that razor hasn't beat ya !!!

    Thanks for the giggle, now go bend that thing to your will, my friend...

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  7. #5
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    This bugger took me months (off and on) to get shavable. I even tried the heel forward bit that worked on many other razors, but this being my first old school near wedge I had alot of learning to do. What finaly got it there for me was going to narrow stones AND the 45 heel first

    I guess all the time I spent on this bugger really paid off as the next monster wedge I got honed up in less than an hour (or I got farking lucky).

    These old blades also seem to have a life of their own, ether they like you or they don't, and their big enough to cause greif
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  8. #6
    Senior Member Arrowhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwarvenChef View Post
    These old blades also seem to have a life of their own, ether they like you or they don't, and their big enough to cause greif
    I absolutely agree with that statement! I beginning to think that my Fenton requires the attention of an exorcist.

  9. #7
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Yep, some of those wedges can be evil..!

    Hope you can get this one sorted..!

  10. #8
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    5 layers of tape is a lot for the "final" bevel. It's fine to do some work to get it there, but I'd say drop down to 1 for the final bevel setting. Don't worry about what the bevels look like, because you have to take off the steel to get the edge - there's no way around it.

    BTW, I have found that the heal leading stroke will typically result in thinner bevels and, therefore, less steel removed, which means less time on the hones.

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