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  1. #1
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    Default Trouble honing a Dovo razor. Can't get smooth shave.

    Hey everyone.

    I have a Dovo Prima Klang (5/8 full-hollow) razor I recently bought that needs some touch-up honing (at least that's what I'm thinking).

    When I first got this razor it would pull and leave behind a lot of uncut hair. I bought it professionally honed, but it's "not quite there".

    To fix this, I did the following:

    I honed it on my 12k Naniwa stone, followed by chrom ox and stropping. Much better, but still not 100%. Razor shaved a lot better, but left behind a fine layer of stubble.

    Next, honed it on an 8k Naniwa stone, followed by 12k finishing stone, then chrome ox and stropping. Much smoother, feels like a well-honed razor, but is still leaving behind a fine layer of stubble -- couldn't get a nice smooth shave.

    On my other Dovo's, I get super-smooth with one or two WTG passes. After the 8k/12k/chrome ox/stropping, I can't get that smooth finish, though it does shave well, with no pulling.

    Any suggestions on how to finish this razor up so it can give a nice smooth finish to the shave? Any ideas why it may feel nice and smooth shaving, but not "do the job" and remove stubble close to the skin?


  2. #2
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    I'll assume that 1)you know how to shave; so I'll leave discussion of technique out of this one.

    For something like this razor, I would go all the way down to 3k if, under magnification, you notice that the bevel has been properly set. Work up from the 3k until you get to 8k...remember that you have to kinda 'sneak up' on a good edge, it's not like pocketknives where you can force an edge in using whatever technique works for you. Ultra-light strokes.

  3. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    The Prima Klang is extra hollow, so it takes a more delicate hand to shave with (and to hone). Keep that in mind as you go.

  4. #4
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    I should have said in orig post: yeah, I'm set in the "how to" straight shave department. I've been doing it for while and am quite good at it. I own several other Dovo prima klang razors - they are my preferred shaver. Its just this one razor that gives me trouble.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red96ta View Post
    For something like this razor, I would go all the way down to 3k if, under magnification, you notice that the bevel has been properly set. Work up from the 3k until you get to 8k...
    Interesting. Since it was supposed to be already professionally honed, I was thinking that I'd only need to do something no coarser than 8k. I will examine the bevel like you mention. I was wondering if the problem with this razor is due to incorrect bevel, since it seems to be plenty sharp.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, if it was professionally honed the answer is send it back to be reprofessionally honed.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Well, if it was professionally honed the answer is send it back to be reprofessionally honed.
    Yeah, I was going to, but then I thought... why don't I just take care of this one myself? If it was my only razor I would certainly do that, but I'm thinking that this is a good learning experience.

    I know how to keep an edge on a razor that has been perfectly honed to start with - been keeping all my other razors up nicely. In my quest to be self sufficient (shave-wise) I want to fix this puppy myself.

    Since I own Naniwa 8k/12k/ stones, and crome ox strop, would you say then that my next stone to get is the 3k? Then, with the 3k/8k/12k and crome ox (assuming the bevel is set correctly), this should be all that's needed (hone-wise) to get this razor to be a smooth shaver like my other Dovos?

  8. #8
    Senior Member sffone's Avatar
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    With the 3x added to your arsenal you should have all you need to do a basic honing, I would think.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by march View Post
    Hey everyone.

    I have a Dovo Prima Klang (5/8 full-hollow) razor I recently bought that needs some touch-up honing (at least that's what I'm thinking).

    When I first got this razor it would pull and leave behind a lot of uncut hair. I bought it professionally honed, but it's "not quite there".

    To fix this, I did the following:

    I honed it on my 12k Naniwa stone, followed by chrom ox and stropping. Much better, but still not 100%. Razor shaved a lot better, but left behind a fine layer of stubble.

    Next, honed it on an 8k Naniwa stone, followed by 12k finishing stone, then chrome ox and stropping. Much smoother, feels like a well-honed razor, but is still leaving behind a fine layer of stubble -- couldn't get a nice smooth shave.

    On my other Dovo's, I get super-smooth with one or two WTG passes. After the 8k/12k/chrome ox/stropping, I can't get that smooth finish, though it does shave well, with no pulling.

    Any suggestions on how to finish this razor up so it can give a nice smooth finish to the shave? Any ideas why it may feel nice and smooth shaving, but not "do the job" and remove stubble close to the skin?

    Since it improved you are doing something right
    so do it again 'lightly'.

    I would revisit the 8K/12K hones using a pyramid and go easy on the CrOx
    if at all prior to stropping on leather.

    It is possible that you are "over honing" the razor so keep the pyramid
    rather short to start.

  10. #10
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    prima klang are great razors i have one. I honed several times on my coticule and it never fails me. If i was in a situation like you.I'd just start again and quikly reset the bevel. Then resharpen and polish bit won't harm trying that. If t was me i would shave of the 8k and only move on untill i was happy there. the same again on 12k. Then add cr.ox if you feel the nead. My prima klang seems to take a sharp edge easily and does'nt need paste. You should not need any more than 5 to 10 laps on paste

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