So, If you know anything about my honing, you will know that I can constantly put out great shaving razors, but that I also take HOURS to set a bevel (3-7 hours on average)

Well, I would really like to cut that time down... Problem is, I don't know how... Here's my current problem: I have a razor with an edge that is flat (with a slight curl at the toe, but that's not a problem)

I have the bevel, to the naked eye, fully set... However, whenever I try the marker test, the bottom half of the back side of the blade doesn't pass... That's the results I had before even starting to set the bevel, and now, two hours later, those are my results...

I am on the 1k doing circles nonstop, and, no matter how much metal is removed, the area won't shrink... No matter what I do, this area won't lose marker... Do I need to just keep removing metal until it is one clean pass, or should I give up and use the rolling X?

Also: this is only on the back of the blade.. Witht he front of the blade, an x stroke removes marker cleanly from heel to toe, with the back of the blade, an x stroke removes the top half of marker, but not the bottom half...

Any suggestions? Sorry if that wasn't clear enough