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  1. #1
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    Default 10" DMT DuoSharp Bench Stone for Lapping Shapton Glass Stones

    Has anyone used the DMT DuoSharp Bench Stone to lap or flatten a Shapton glass stone. The Shapton Diamond Lapping Plate is recommened however, it is a bit pricey. Also, what are your thoughts on the Shapton glass stones performance.

    Thanks much.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Unless you have some specific use for the 10" DMT other than lapping waterstones the D8C will do the job and if I'm not mistaken is quite a bit cheaper. I don't have the glass stones myself but I hear they are very good.
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  3. #3
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    Default Thanks JimmyHad

    So do you feel the DMT 10" or D8C would be effective and safe for lapping the Shapton glass stones? I don't have any experience one these stones either however, I am contemplating purchasing a few of the stones as I hear they are very good as well.

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    The Shaptons are 8" and there is no need to buy a longer lapping plate. The Shapton GDLP plate is only 8" long. The DMT 325 D8C will be fine for lapping those stones. I have lapped many hones with a D8C. The shapton glass stones have a good reputation. I have the Shapton professionals and they are good too. I have taken a liking to the Naniwa super stones and stick with them pretty much from 1 through 12k. Sometimes I use the Norton 4/8 but it depends. They are all good and I guess whatever you get used to will get the job done.
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  5. #5
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    I'm a new convert to Shapton GS stones. Wish I bought 'em years ago. You won't be disappointed
    I use Atoma diamond plates for lapping also around 8" long but DMT's will of course work.
    You don't need the Shapton Diamond plates.
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  6. #6
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    I use both the 125 and the 325 DMT plates for lapping Shapton GS's and they work just fine. To save wear on the 325 I use the 125 to get the stones flat and touch up with the 325 on the higher grits.

  7. #7
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I use the 8" 325 DMT for lapping all my hones, Shapton Glass, Naniwa SS, and my naturals. It works great, and doubles up as an edge repair stone if you need a very low grit to start with.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwarvenChef View Post
    To save wear on the 325 I use the 125 to get the stones flat and touch up with the 325 on the higher grits.
    +1. I originally bought the XX 125 because ChrisL and Utopian so highly recommended it. It does the job really quickly but it does leave scratches. What I do now is start with the pencil grid and the 325 and take a look after a few swipes. If it isn't far from flat I continue on the 325 but if I have a long way to go I get onto the 125. When the hone is flat I draw another grid and the 325 makes short work of it and smooths out the scratches left by the XX. The XX is a real time saver if you're anal about beginning with flat stones.
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