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  1. #1
    Senior Member LawsonStone's Avatar
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    Default Tape and Touching Up

    If a razor has been honed taped, I recognize that future honing needs to be done with tape.

    Am I correct also in thinking that even if I'm just going to do 5 or so strokes on a barber hone, that I still need to tape the spine even for that? I am figuring that's the case since the physical point is to hone all the way out to the edge and I likely can't do that without tape if the razor was originally honed with tape.

    Just looking for reaction, confirmation, explanation if the scenario is other than what I've described...

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Touch-ups need the same tape, yes...


    To change a taped bevel to an un-taped bevel when it come time to re-hone, takes about 20 laps at a 4k stone/hone/level...

    Way,way,way,too much is made of the whole tape question...

    I am referring to only 1 layer of tape in all this

  3. #3
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    +1 on everything that Glen said.

    Think it mathematically. When razors edge and spine touch the hone, it makes sort of triangle.
    Now if the razor was honed with a tape and then the tape is left off with barber hone (or any hone for that matter), then the edge doesn't touch the hone any more. Just the sides of the edge. Not the point that cuts.
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  4. #4
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    I am very, very inexperienced when it comes to honing. I am still trying to get an old razor I have to shave ready.

    However, I have touched up razors on my 12k and barber hones with some success. If you send a razor out for honing to one of the honemeisters listed in the classifieds, I guess it would be advisable to find out from them if they use tape and how many layers...right? This would be important for future touch ups.

  5. #5
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Honemeisters i have dealt with have always let me know. Glen actually includes a letter with his.

    But yes, once you tape, always tape unless you feel like resetting the bevel.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    I am very, very inexperienced when it comes to honing. I am still trying to get an old razor I have to shave ready.

    However, I have touched up razors on my 12k and barber hones with some success. If you send a razor out for honing to one of the honemeisters listed in the classifieds, I guess it would be advisable to find out from them if they use tape and how many layers...right? This would be important for future touch ups.

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  7. #6
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fbones24 View Post
    However, I have touched up razors on my 12k and barber hones with some success. If you send a razor out for honing to one of the honemeisters listed in the classifieds, I guess it would be advisable to find out from them if they use tape and how many layers...right? This would be important for future touch ups.
    This is so correct. As you send out a razor to honemeister you should also mention if you want it to get honed with or without a tape. That is what i would do.
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