I use a BBW and a coticule for my honing too and I love them. What I do is I use the coticule with slurry to make a bevel, if the bevel is far off then I use the DMT also or the Naniwa 1K.

Slurry on coticule should turn black fast from blade, if not it's too slow of a coticule and use only the DMT. I then rinse the coticule and raise more slurry and do half strokes some more, maybe 3 sets of 30 for each side.

I then rinse and repeat again...

After that I move to the BBW and wet it and use a slurry on that, I make about 100 passes.

Then you can finish on water with the coticule, make a lot of passes.

After that I go to Escher stones of variety of fineness.