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  1. #11
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    baseless Naniwa super stone tends to bow so it might be more reasonable to go with the base versions if you decide to go with Naniwa.

  2. #12
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj121 View Post
    Hello chaps,

    I am in the process of purchasing some hones and have the Naniwa 3K/10K combo firmly in mind, but am wondering about what to fit either side?

    A price consideration would be the King 1K/6K combo, but I'm leaning towards the Naniwa 1K and 8K, which runs out a bit more expensive. I guess I won't be buying many more stones in my straight life, so any advice and input is appreciated.



    The 1k - 8k Naniwa will do you right, and take steps toward the complete set of SS's which IMHO are some of the smoothest cutters out there...

    I have to agree with Brad/undream the King 1k is closer to other 2k's... Not a bad thing if that is your purpose in having it, but as a "Bevel Setter" it is a bit slow IME...

  3. #13
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    Cheers thus far chaps,

    I was just about to post up that I'm going for the 1,5,8K Naniwa option, and read about the 10mm stones warping, thanks for the heads up mainaman. That potentially scuppers my plans as finances would dictate the thinner stones. They can't be that bad...surely??

    However, I am going to get a universal base that supports both ends and the middle, so I hope that would alleviate any bowing issues

    I'm guessing bowing might be attributable to holding a stone in the hand, or are they more prone to dimensional change due to other determinants?

    Any thoughts on that issue folks?

    Oh yeah, I'm getting a JNat finisher too
    Last edited by cj121; 10-25-2010 at 01:31 PM.

  4. #14
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    If anyone has an old Naniwa base they'd like to part company with, I might have someone who is interested....

  5. #15
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj121 View Post
    Cheers thus far chaps,

    I was just about to post up that I'm going for the 1,5,8K Naniwa option, and read about the 10mm stones warping, thanks for the heads up mainaman. That potentially scuppers my plans as finances would dictate the thinner stones. They can't be that bad...surely??

    However, I am going to get a universal base that supports both ends and the middle, so I hope that would alleviate any bowing issues

    I'm guessing bowing might be attributable to holding a stone in the hand, or are they more prone to dimensional change due to other determinants?

    Any thoughts on that issue folks?

    Oh yeah, I'm getting a JNat finisher too
    I don't own a Naniwa so I'm sure others will correct me if I'm wrong but I understood the warping issue happened as a they dried out and was worse if left close to a heat source such as in sunlight or by a radiator.

    One of the reasons I was considering a combo stone was thinking that due to it being 2 stones glues together they might pull against each other to maintain the right dimensions better, I could of course be totally be wrong there though!

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeltz View Post
    I don't own a Naniwa so I'm sure others will correct me if I'm wrong but I understood the warping issue happened as a they dried out and was worse if left close to a heat source such as in sunlight or by a radiator.

    One of the reasons I was considering a combo stone was thinking that due to it being 2 stones glues together they might pull against each other to maintain the right dimensions better, I could of course be totally be wrong there though!
    Yes jeltz, I've read about that potential issue too. Hopefully there'll be more input over this aspect as bowing could take all the fun out of it ay?

    You'd figure 20mm would be more stable than 10 for sure, but with no base...mmmmm(smiley scratching head)

    I know they don't generally require a dousing so maybe a light spritz as you work them might help in this regard. Let's see if anyone else can chip in.
    Last edited by cj121; 10-25-2010 at 06:05 PM.

  7. #17
    Senior Member janivar123's Avatar
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    Back when i soked my naniwas the 3/8 combo would open about 1/16" in both ends,
    the 20mm 1 and 12k did not appear to be effected the same way
    Now that im not soaking my hones it dont seem to be an issue

  8. #18
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    Well, I've just pulled the trigger on 1,5 and 8k 20mm, on bases

    I'll be lapping off wet 'n' dry for the time being, as this was more than I was able to shell out, financially. However, my lovely wife is making contribution to the upcoming birthday fund I might even do some of the kitchen knives, instead of using my steel, at some point to show good faith

    I figure a 3k beckons in the future, to smooth transition off the 1k.

    Thanks for the input gents

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