I've read plenty on honing and have watched lots of videos, but I'm left with a question I cannot find the answer to. I understand why the spine is taped, to avoid wear on the spine. What I don't understand is what angle the blade should be held at. I'm assuming that the blade is held flat on a 1000 grit stone, and that is why the spine is taped to avoid wear. But I've watched videos where after the 4000 grit stone is used and the honer moves on to 8000 grit, the tape is then removed. Is the blade still held flat at this point? Is it possible to remove the tape from the spine at this point because the grit is so fine that the spine will only be polished and not scraped or damaged? I'm sorry if this question has been dealt with elsewhere, but I couldn't find it. And thanks in advance for your consideration and assistance.