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Thread: Honing Help?

  1. #1
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    Default Honing Help?

    Hello SRP Brothers,

    First of all, thanks to this site for all the great posts, tutorials and videos on honing. For some reason, I just can't seem to get a nice edge on my razors. I've been straight razor shaving for about five months or so and the shaves are great! Love it. My problems arise when honing. I can't seem to get a shave-ready edge on my razors. I have a dovo 5/8 black star and a 6/8 best quality. The edges always come out rather dull. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. My first few experiences seemed to come out alright, but I was just freshening up the professionally honed edges. Over time, as the bevels have pretty much gone, I've had to try and reset them. I seem to be having a lot of difficulty getting these puppies back in shape. I've watched a lot of the videos on honing and they make it look fairly easy. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I can post pictures of the edges if that will help but basically, they are just coming out dull. Occasionally, I can get the best quality to pop a few hairs but it never gets that nice sharp feeling it once had. Anyone have suggestions? Or is there anyone in the Boston area who could help out with some instruction? I'm mainly using a norton 4/8 and a 1k for setting the bevel. I've been trying hard to no avail. I'd love to learn how to do this properly so I can keep on using these nice blades.


  2. #2
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    Do you have a set routine that you use?
    Do you use a loupe?
    How are you testing at each step?

  3. #3
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    I was starting out on the 1k to try and set the bevel, using about 20 of the circle technique lynn posted about. Then I would move on to a pyramid on the 4/8k. When I didn't have success at this, I found this video and tried using the same exact technique laid out by gssixgun: YouTube - gssixgun Honing on a Norton 4-8

    I'm not using a loupe right now, but I do have a little 60x magnifier that I got for cheap $$. Can't see much with that baby. A little too much magnification I think.

    I'm testing each step with either a TNT or just by dragging my thumb across the blade. I did notice that nice sharp grab when dragging the thumb when I originally got the blades but all I get is a smooth feeling now, no sharpness.

  • #4
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    I have the same cheap magnifier. I find it useful, at least for checking for chips.
    I don't think 20 is enough for setting a bevel.
    I do a minimum of 50 on the 1K.
    Make sure you are using almost no pressure.
    Is your blade straight or does it have a smile? Frown?
    I haven't checked those videos yet, but will do soon.

  • #5
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    I use this guide:

    Stay on 1k until arm hair pops at skin level along the whole edge and bevel is even. Use circles, x strokes, whatever . Just make sure the edge "feels" the same during the strokes.

    Stay on 4k until arm hair shaves and pops above skin level, shouldn't grab the hair, cutting should be clean and easy.

    Go to 8k and hone until arm hair silently falls away without tugging or resistence. The 8k should also work clean and not turn dark, if it does go back to the 4k. Sham taught me this part and it works for me.

    I hope this helps you, you can pm me if you need more help.

  • #6
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, that hair advice doesn't apply for everyone. Your hair may be too fine to work for that assessment. You may need to use leg hair, chest hair, or other hair.

  • #7
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Right, but it at least helped me when I first started to hone.
    Whenever moving from 1 to 4 to 8k the arm or leg shaving test should show how the edge is changing for the better as you progress. In some degree cutting hair at 4k should be different than 1k, etc.

  • #8
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I agree. I was just pointing out that some people, like me, have arm hair that is so fine that it cannot be cut even with a fully honed razor.

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  • #9
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disburden View Post
    Right, but it at least helped me when I first started to hone.
    Whenever moving from 1 to 4 to 8k the arm or leg shaving test should show how the edge is changing for the better as you progress. In some degree cutting hair at 4k should be different than 1k, etc.
    That's the kicker, right there. That should continue as you move up past the 8k level, too. By the time you get done on your final finishing stone, shaving (insert whatever hair you have to shave here) should be wiping off like it was squeeged off, with minimal "shaving" sensation.

    For me (and of course it's gonna be different for everyone), that's when arm hair comes off with no additional force needed when the blade encounters a hair. The blade just keeps moving, the hair falls over and dies. No pops, no scraping, no drama.

    The less scraping, tugging, shaving sensation you get when you shave whatever area you use to test, the less those same sensations are gonna be on your face. Although it does seem that most guys get far more "shaving" sensation on the face than other areas, so a smooth shaver on your arm might still be rough on your mug. Try to keep that in mind when you shave your test areas... "If I was shaving my face instead of my xxxx, how would this feel?" Then, don't even go for a test shave of your face until the answer to that question is "Nice!".
    Last edited by FloorPizza; 01-11-2011 at 07:32 PM.

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  • #10
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stadler09 View Post
    I was starting out on the 1k to try and set the bevel, using about 20 of the circle technique lynn posted about. Then I would move on to a pyramid on the 4/8k. When I didn't have success at this, I found this video and tried using the same exact technique laid out by gssixgun:
    I'm not using a loupe right now, but I do have a little 60x magnifier that I got for cheap $$. Can't see much with that baby. A little too much magnification I think.

    I'm testing each step with either a TNT or just by dragging my thumb across the blade. I did notice that nice sharp grab when dragging the thumb when I originally got the blades but all I get is a smooth feeling now, no sharpness.

    Be careful on the numbers, they are only a guide, I even say that in the Vid,, you have to use some sort of test to check the sharpness and like the guys said they are not an exact science either... "Jeez Glen are you saying this is an art not a science" LOL yes it is note how many times in all those Vids I say the words"I am going by feel here"

    I can do maybe 25-35 circles down one side of the hone the most I have done trying is 40.. but 20 is about right, but it might take more trips..
    do 20 circles then 5 laps check the edge, 20 circles 5 laps check the edge, as soon as it passes your sharp test then do 20 laps and move on...

    You have to learn your sharp tests that work for you at each level... the Arm Hair Test is a pretty good one but like Ron pointed out it can fail with some people, in fact we witnessed it fail at the NC meet up that those videos of Lynn were taken at.. One guy there could not get a hair to pop with a full shave ready razor on his arm, but could shave that razor just fine...

    The real trick to honing is the bevel set, honest it really is 90% of the task at hand..
    Now go hone more

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