Oh, I didn't even notice the razors being used. The test I suggested may not work at all.

On some "razor shaped objects" that I have played with, merely trying to shave arm hairs or touching the edge to do a TPT totally ruined the edge I had created, meaning I had to go back to the 1k and reset the bevel.

Using "razor shaped objects" may help you get comfortable handling razors, but they are not good indicators for proper honing techniques or progress. When the edge fails or fails to progress, and it will, you'll never know if it was your honing or the razor. With no way to isolate problems, there is no way to solve them, or even know what the problem really is.

You really need quality razors to learn to hone. Doesn't mean they have to be expensive, though. For example, if you take a razor with a massive chip in it, you can still play with the good part or parts of the edge. I'd say your best bet is to keep an eye on ebay and also throw up a WTB in the classifieds for an inexpensive, quality razor. If you don't get something within a week, drop me a PM and I'll send you one for free (going on a vacation, and 1 week is when I'll be back).