Toothpaste is a well graded mild abrasive....
Fluoride binds with common calcium and hardens it a bit
Some marble floors are chemically treated to this end.
Most fluoride chemistry is scary but toothpaste has some... The Polishing Process Frequently Asked Questions | Italian Marble Polishing Palm Beach FL Solution and method for cleaning marble surfaces - Patent 5490883
There is not really enough in tooth paste to amount
for much except that the surface of a barber hone also
does not amount to much. I "feel" that it helps. I do
know that the gel that suspends abrasive in toothpaste
does float the razor and helps with a fine age.
Try it only on a sacrificial barber hone...
Thanks Tom. This is a sacrificial barber hone...or at least as much of one as I have (I probably won't try it on my doesn't need any help. It works great).