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  1. #21
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees
    Joe, any suggestions what to lap this stone with? I am now referring to the stone on the paddle. It has some hard inclusions that start to stick out a bit. Sooner or later I fear they will cause problems.
    I don't have all the sophisticated specialist honing paraphernalia of a true honemeister though. I do have a few Arkansas stones, and ordinary sandpaper. Would they be useful?
    I use a Little Devil hone, which you can get cheap from Tilly ( That hone is really good for that. You could use sandpaper on glass, but I wouldn't go too coarse. It's a pretty soft stone. Don't go coarser than 1K. If you just want to clean it or refresh it, I would use a flat pumice stone.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees

    At the moment I am experimenting with hones. Eventually I want to own a coticule but because of the variable quality I decided to visit the quarry in October when I shall be spending my autumn holiday not far from it. The owner of the quarry is very knowledgable by all accounts.

    In the mean time I ordered this hone from Manufactum in Germany:

    It is really cheap and a German guy I am corresponding with is very enthusiastic about it. I expect to get it this week and I 'll let you know. I understand Randydance and Ashaab are experimenting with it as well. Haven't heard of their experiences though.
    I recieved the stone today and must say it's excellent! In no time I got my 2 working razors much sharper than I ever had! And that at 18 euros a piece! Great VFM this is.

    BTW am I allowed to quote myself or is that against SRP code of conduct??

  3. #23
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    I recently started using my old strop and stone paddle similar to the one here:

    The stone is just a piece of slate and actually I got very nice results with them.

    I have never read of forum members that use a piece of slate.
    I just wondered whether any of you guys tried one and what results you got.

    It is actually a very sophisticated thing this paddle because the leather is actually padded according to one German site. Unfortunately I did not save the URL, sorry for that. Mine is a cheaper, non padded version that I bought when I was a student.

    This is a prettey old thread, but im thinking about buying one of this "Strop and Stone paddle" and would like to get more opinions on it. Has anybody experiences using it as a touch up hone ?

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