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Thread: Won't sharpen! LOL,,, heard this before?

  1. #11
      Lynn's Avatar
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    If you follow this video, it should work for you. Straight Razor Place '09 Convention. Lynn Honing #1 - YouTube

    So long as the bevel is set, 40 firm circles each way,followed by 40 no pressure circles each way followed by 5-10 no pressure X strokes all on the 4K. Then 7-10 no pressure X strokes on the 8K, strop and test shave. If you're not quite there 3-5 no pressure X strokes will usually do the trick. The key is to make sure you are keeping your razor flat on the stone and using no pressure after the first set of circles.

    Don't let your expectations get the best of you. Honing like shaving is a learned art and there is a definite learning curve. The harder you press yourself and the more you get frustrated, the worse you will do. Deep breath. Take it a little at a time. If it doesn't hit, come back at the razor later vs. spending hours at one sitting.

    Have fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by beerosaur View Post
    Wow, thanks for the quick reply guys! The hone is soaking again and I have a comfortable seat for another try. No more finger nails and I'm going to try some circles tonight. And yes, in my minds eye, / \ seems like what I have. I don't have anything for between the 8K and the strop. I just have the very basics, 4k/8k canvas/leather strop. I haven't even really tried the strop yet because I imagine it should cut hair of my arm first...LOL I'll take all the advice you guys will offer with no offense whatsoever, so if I'm doing something stupid, feel free to tell me!

    How long are you guys talking about on the 4k roughly? It's hard with zero reference... guys in videos seem to be able to do them in 15 minutes. This one has had hours, and it didn't even seem that messed up to start with, though dull...

    -= Beer

  2. #12
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    Hi Lynn,
    LOL, I didn't have anything better to do and it was fun! I finally got it cutting hairs off my arm, but don't have whiskers at the moment. The 400 sandpaper was probably a bit much as it put some serious wear on the spine, but the bevel AHA! moment was totally worth it. I only paid 12 bucks for the razor so anything goes!
    It's just a learning razor. I did watch your video.

    -= Beer

  3. #13
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    Hi all,
    Finally got around to shaving with my little experiment a couple of times. Mostly the side of my face, and tonight I dabbled in all areas...All I can say is I now have something new to wish I could do to my ex wife when she asks for more money! Terrible. The side of my face seemed to go okay because having so much blade in contact allowed for a little pressure...that part went fine. Everything else was grab..grab...grab and throw in a nick! LOL... I guess it's just not sharp enough still. It won't pass HHT, but will shave my arm with a bit of pressure. The weight of the razor sliding across my arm cuts nothing. Tomorrow I'm going to start over with the 40 circle routine. Does that seem reasonable? If that doesn't work I'd like to mail it to one of you gurus to look at it and tell me what I'm screwing up. So any volunteers? Is my razor any good? Maybe I'm beating a dead horse... it's a Rogers XY Quality -- Sheffield. Anyone know about this razor?

    On a side note, I ran around to all the local barbers to try to get a professional opinion on my razors edge, not one of them knew @#$% about them, how lame! Even the old timers... There is a place in downtown Tacoma that advertises old school straight razor shaves that I haven't gone to yet. I might just get a shave there and see how it's supposed to feel.

    The side of my face is giving me just a hint of how cool this can be if it works right... I hope I can figure it out.
    -= Beer

  4. #14
    Member OmidFarahbakhsh's Avatar
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    I'm going to interject here a throw a few things out there for consideration. From what I have gathered you are new to both straight shaving and honing. Not to discourage you because I admire your bravery taking on both challenges at once. But I presents an added hurdle, you don't know if you're honing is the issue or your ability to shave, probably both. Just the nature of the beast, if there was no challenge I for one wouldn't be doing it. I'd take a step back get a professionally honed razor and go from there. Work on your prep, angles so on a so forth. Learn how to shave at least reasonably well, then learn how to hone. Or learn how to hone and have someone else shave with your razors to tell you if your getting it right :P K maybe not. Any ways good luck.

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    Default Thanks Omid...

    I'm going to give it one more go, then I'll get it honed professionally. There's a knife shop down the street that says they can do them for $10.00. Does that sound right?

    -= Beer

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerosaur View Post
    I'm going to give it one more go, then I'll get it honed professionally. There's a knife shop down the street that says they can do them for $10.00. Does that sound right?

    -= Beer

    send it to one of the honemeisters here.... they may be a bit more expensive but you will get your moneys worth.... the knife guy will just dick it up and you'll have to pay someone to fix what he did..... its best to just pay once....


  7. #17
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerosaur View Post
    I'm going to give it one more go, then I'll get it honed professionally. There's a knife shop down the street that says they can do them for $10.00. Does that sound right?

    -= Beer
    If they don't shave with a straight they can't hone a straight. Look in the classifieds here:
    Member Services - Straight Razor Place Classifieds
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerosaur View Post
    Still working it...the heel seems to be getting there (cutting hair!) ...the tip (toe?) nowhere near... Circles seemed to have helped alot with the heel. Wish I had a 1k! I do have a strop, just havent really felt the need to use it yet considering how my honing is going... what a challenge...phew! Back I go...
    Do review the magic market test. Take a Sharpie magic marker that
    has a color that is easy for you to see. Wipe the marker on the edge and
    also the spine.

    Give the razor one trip (up then flip and return) and inspect to see
    if there is any marker left on the bevel. A magnifying glass
    can help. Also a bright light inspection... if you look down at the edge
    and see a reflection the bevel is not set (edge not bevel). I often
    walk to a sunny window and find that I still have a thin red line (red marker)
    on the edge side of the bevel or see glints and reflections from what should
    be a sharp invisible edge.

    Since all you have is a 4k/8k hone do visit youtube and look for the
    videos by gssixgun. The circles and 'japanese' hone strokes
    remove steel faster than the alternating final hone strokes.
    Circles seem to balance out small toe-heal honing issues and very
    gentle smiles. The toe of your razor is trouble so be sure to
    look at the smiling wedge videos and more. But you should be able
    to sharpen most of the razor with no special strokes.

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  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerosaur View Post
    I'm going to give it one more go, then I'll get it honed professionally. There's a knife shop down the street that says they can do them for $10.00. Does that sound right?

    -= Beer
    If the shop is "Seattle Edge", then you might give it a shot. Albert is known to me, he shaves with a straight razor and he's a very talented knife sharpener. I know he hones his own razors, so there is a good possibility he can hone yours quite well.

    Here's my advice: Get one shave-ready razor from someone who knows how to hone. Start learning how to shave, then contact Larry at who is offering free honing lessons... He will mail you a few of his razors, you try to hone them, mail them back and he will offer his feedback on how you did and where you could improve. Good luck.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to UPD For This Useful Post:

    niftyshaving (10-13-2011)

  12. #20
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    Hahahahaha, I haven't heard "dick it up" in a while..Hahahahaha... honemeister it shall be then. Maybe the honemeister can evaluate my efforts too, that would be cool.

    I'll try the magic marker test when I get home...
    Thanks to all of you who are taking the time to help me. Im enjoying the learning curve. No rush here...

    Last edited by beerosaur; 10-14-2011 at 02:06 AM.

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