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Thread: What constitutes a bad razor?

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jp1munoz View Post
    Confused because the hair doesn't pop on a 1k it just shaves off cleanly.
    From my keyboard you bevel is good.

    I would point you to the pyramid method as outlined in the Wiki.
    Pyramid honing guide - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    This is because you have a Norton 4k/8k combo.

    And I would remind myself that stropping can make a good well honed edge
    a lot better or wreck it. Strop slow and smooth... ten slow and
    are way better than 100 too fast to control strop strokes.

    You can do a short 1k/4k pyramid followed by a 4k/8k pyramid
    if you think the bevel is questionable.

    Less than 50 posts may justify a reminder that the magic
    marker test has great value. Use a magic marker that you
    can see with ease. Black, red, blue, green... what ever
    is easy to see.

    Mark the razors edge, then one up one down hone stroke on the 4k or 8k hone
    and inspect to see if any marker is left on the edge. Look for that
    thin line of marker that indicates the bevel is not clear and clean to the
    edge. Also take the opportunity to mark the spine -- you might find
    that your stroke is not as even as you expect it is. Again the spine
    wear area should be wiped clean of marker ink.

    Patches of unexpected ink may indicate that an X stroke or modified X stroke
    or other adjustment has value. Do let the ink dry for about 10 min for best results.

  2. #22
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    If I followed the pyramid why would I not be as sharp and smooth as a pro honed razor?
    That's very funny -- unintentionally, I think.

    It's like saying:

    . . . If I play the same notes as Horowitz, why don't I sound as good as he does?

    "Feel" is an important part of honing. You don't have a pro's experience; why would you expect to achieve a pro's results? The tools are simple, and everybody has them. But the _skill to use the tools_ isn't so easy to purchase.

    nun2sharp and Joed like this.

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cpcohen1945 View Post
    That's very funny -- unintentionally, I think.

    It's like saying:

    . . . If I play the same notes as Horowitz, why don't I sound as good as he does?

    "Feel" is an important part of honing. You don't have a pro's experience; why would you expect to achieve a pro's results? The tools are simple, and everybody has them. But the _skill to use the tools_ isn't so easy to purchase.

    Skill is one component.
    Today a pro will use one or more hone that takes
    the edge beyond a Norton 4k/8k pyramid and then
    the same pro will strop the edge perhaps with
    a fine pasted strop.

    Stropping does not need paste -- stropping is
    important.. slow and smooth is the way to go.

  4. #24
    Who's that guy think he is... JoeSomebody's Avatar
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    In my humble and probably ignorant opinion I would have to agree with Glen about too much pressure. I had a razor when I first started honing that kept microchipping until I used *no* pressure on all phases espescially the bevel setter on 1k. After that it turned into one of my sharpest razors as well as teaching me an ivaluable lesson.
    niftyshaving likes this.
    Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  5. #25
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    i gave up and sent five razors to be honed by a pro. I'll learn in another life. : (

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