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Thread: First time honing!

  1. #1
    Disposable blades = Disposable men. vvti713's Avatar
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    Default First time honing!

    Alright guys, I finally got my hones and started honing a few blades... i got less than perfect results. i did Lynns circle method (40 circles on 1k firm, 40 circles 1k no pressure, 10 x-strokes-40 circles light pressure on 4k, 10 x-strokes- 8k 7 x-strokes) couldn't shave with any of them.. i'm scared of over honing them.. what should i do now?

  2. #2
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    I would make sure you have the bevel set first. If the bevel isn't set, there's no point going past the 1k stone. Check the edge pops arm hair along the full length of the razor before going past the 1k.

    Secondly keep the razor's spine absolutely flat, it wasn't so long ago I was starting out honing and it was so easy to lose concentration. Easy way to check if the blade's flat is if there's a wave of water/slurry in front of the whole of the length of the razor when your honing its flat. if its not flat, your not honing.

    I would also check this thread, which gives alot of useful info on Lynns circles method, alternatives if its not sharp enough, etc. The number of laps is just a guide, and every razor is different and some are harder to sharpen than others.

    good luck

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  4. #3
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Im no expert but i know if the bevel is not set no point going anywhere with that believed me ive been there. Read all you can about setting the bevel then do a 4k 8k pyramid then either a finishing stone or pasted strops,then a shave test perhaps!!

  5. #4
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    If you havent tried it, use the magic marker to color your edges and then hone again, this way you can see where and how you are removing metal. I would also suggest using tape on the spine for the prevention of excess wear until your skills improve. Dont feel bad, all of us have had to take the necessary baby steps to get where we are.
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  6. #5
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    You've been given some good advice here already. Patience is key...different razors and steel require some slightly different technique. Keep at it and you'll be fine. The important part is that bevel set..after that it's more or less polishing for that smooth feeling

  7. #6
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    talking about polishing, for some reason when I started I had the urge to still bury the razor in the hone at the polishing stages. A light touch is essential when you get to the polishing/8k/12k stages.

    regards Alex
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  8. #7
    Senior Member jeness's Avatar
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    I am 99% sure that you didn't set the bevel on the 1k. Read a bit on this topic, only move on if you can shave arm hair off the 1k, passes the magic marker test, and the TNT. After that do pyramids on the Norton 4k/8k until you get a shaveable edge. You will have to try it a few times before you get it right, all of us did struggle in the first place.
    For a newbie it is enought to learn the x stroke, no need to mess with circles with little experience IMO.

  9. #8
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Google: "gssixgun honing norton" and you can watch everything that the guys just told you about Start with one razor, the one that looks and feels the sharpest and most even...

    ps: except the Magic Marker test hehehe but just start with that and yer fine
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  10. #9
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Google: "gssixgun honing norton" and you can watch everything that the guys just told you about Start with one razor, the one that looks and feels the sharpest and most even...

    ps: except the Magic Marker test hehehe but just start with that and yer fine
    yeah that dude has some good videos!

  11. #10
    dps is offline
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    I recently learned to hone, I think the most important part is setting the bevel. No one has said it, but you need to start with a completely dull razor and then see the progress.
    Take a glass and perform 2 or 3 cutting strokes on it. This will dull the edge completely. Now try to shave your arm hair, you will see that it does not cut any hair.
    Now after the edge is dull, do about 40 circles in 1K, try to shave your arm, it doesn't ? repeat. Once you get it shaving your arm hair, then you will know the bevel is set.
    From there just go 20-30 X strokes on each hone and you'll be good. It really isn't hard at all, the most complicated part is knowing when the bevel is set.

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