I honed a Wostenholm starting on the 1k using circles till sharp, it would shave arm hair all along it's length.
then I did a pyramid on the norton 4k/8k starting with 25 laps and working down.
Then i did a smaller pyramid on the 8k and the phig, starting at 10 laps.
Then I stropped on an srp strop, but only on the leather side. the shave was not bad. i have a thing about the sound. i don't feel like anything is happening if i can't hear it.
anyway, i'm spending all my extra money on my daughter's student loans and telescope parts, so i don't want to get sidetracked with pastes and whatnot.
what can i do to increase the perceived keenness of my razors using the hones and strop i have? i've seen the term "dial in an edge" but at this point it seems i might be using small numbers of laps and would they have any effect?
I'm almost a year into this and am finding that i loathe the time spent stropping. i'll put off shaving rather than spend time stropping.