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Thread: Bread knifing

  1. #11
    ace is offline
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    There are at least three reasons not to breaknife. There may be more, but three is enough.

    It removes more steel than is necessary.
    It takes more time.
    Honing a breadknifed edge takes so long that it invites the honer to use pressure.

  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That no account polecat who started this breadknifing thing...when I find him...My friend Mr L. is gonna have a special job for him in Fire and Brimstone land.

    Like they said don't do it!
    nun2sharp likes this.
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  3. #13
    Sardaukar salazch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coloshaver View Post
    Another (of the many) thing(s) I learned from Glen (gssixgun) is the utility of the DMT Coarse (325) plate. It can eliminate the need to do a true breadknifing. I have done a couple razors recently that had badly rusted edges. The DMT 325 is the perfect tool to take the rotten steel down to clean so you can start the bevel. I put 2 or 3 layers of tape on the spine, but start off doing circles with the spine off the plate - maybe 30 to 45 degrees. As you work through the rust/pits/nicks lay the razor flatter until the tape is on the plate. Then, with 1 layer of tape, start your bevel setting on the 1K. You will have to take the shoulders off the wider bevel you just made on the DMT, but this is still waaaaay faster and easier than starting with the square edge you would get if you breadknifed.
    Attachment 81432Attachment 81431
    Makes total sense.
    Where would I get that DMT stone, and how much do they usually run? They are diamond right?

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salazch View Post
    So is this okay to use this as a replacement for te norton 220?
    Yes it is AFAIC. I have one and I use it to lap waterstones, sharpen kitchen knives, and for the occasional razor. I rarely use anything that coarse on a razor. OTOH, I don't buy 'em if they need that kind of work anymore. Been there and done that.
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