Yesterday evening, while cleaning up from my shave and stropping, I ended up dinging my edge on my fingernail. I didn't see any marks, so I left the blade aside to dry overnight and thought no more of it. This morning, however, I went to put the razor back in its protective sleeve and it caught the light on the edge and I saw a weird reflection. To the naked eye you can't really see much, but when I looked at it under my x15 loupe, I can see the spot where I dinged it, which is not smooth and sharp like the rest of the edge and looks like a bit of a flattened part on the edge. Of course, this is right in the middle of the blade.

Can I fix this by touching it up on something, or do I need to go right back to resetting the bevel? The honing done on this blade is superb, so I'd rather not mess with it, but I'd imagine having that ding right in the middle will adversely affect the comfort of the shave.