I think the bottom line here is that as a general rule the bevel width does not effect the shaving ability of a razor. I have some razors with really tiny bevels and they give great shaves and I have razors with huge bevels that give equally great shaves and I have wide and narrow beveled razors that both give crummy shaves (or did when I got them). The only constant I've found is that if I get an Eboy special in a typical 6/8s or 5/8s razor and it doesn't respond to conservative honing and it has a narrow bevel I will try and enlarge that bevel abit and that is what it usually takes to get it into shape. On the other hand if I get an Eboy special that already has a wide bevel and it doesn't shave very well it is rare that conservative honing doesn't bring it back into shape.

So what am I saying here. I think that if a razor shaves well with a narrow bevel thats fine but if it doesn't then widening the bevel is usually the medicine it needs. Clear as mud?