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  1. #1
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    Default Norton 4/8K and an AOS TI stainless steel - Carbon razor

    So I received a new straight razor over the holiday that came "Shave Ready", after shaving I was rather unimpressed so I took it to the Norton for the first time (my first and it's first).

    -The first think I noticed was the initial sharpening didn't leave an even edge on the razor.
    -The second thing I noticed was when the blade was flat on the stone the toe was not touching.

    I did what I could to even up the edge on the 4K then took it to the 8k and strop. I shaved afterwards and really didn't notice much of a difference, the blade didn't seem to cut well on my heavier growth areas which isn't really saying much as I shave twice a week. I also felt the blade to give me a bit of razor burn but could be from the lather being a bit on the dry side.

    Should I "Flatten" the Norton to ensure it is not causing the uneven lay of the razor or is this normal and compensated through the X Pattern?
    How do I know that the edge is set and I didn't ruin the blade by taking it to the Norton to many times in trial and error?
    How can I solicit local meetup assistance in the Columbia Maryland area?

    Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
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    first of, you need to give the nortons, especialy the 4k side, a damm good lapping. this will make the 4k side feel nicer .

    there are some great videos on utube of some norton honings. check them out

  3. #3
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    This is a TI Carbonsong????
    You already tested for razor warp which from what you said it seems to have a twist or a warp this is not unusual just so long as it isn't bad...

    You have already started so first do like Gary jusaidiad and look at the youtube vids second, right now is the best time to ever be working a Norton 4/8 and a first time honer because of this thread heehe

    There is a ton of info in this thread, sorry it is a long thread and it is only 4 days in

    Read, Watch, Learn, Try.. It is not as easy as many like to think, but it is a skill that most can learn, but you have to invest the time in this hobby to get the most back from it

    If you hadn't already started on the honing I would have said try extensive stropping on the TI first many can be brought around that way...

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