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Thread: My C-nat...

  1. #1
    Senior Member xMackx's Avatar
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    Question My C-nat...

    The c-nat, phig, or Chinese 12k I have had for a while now and it seems to be a really high grit. It seems to be close to the 15k range. It's pretty hard to make a slurry with the slurry stone it came with, but it seems like a definite polisher. I thought I read somewhere that the darker ones have the highest grit (comparison) and this one is almost black. Anyone else that have tried several of these stones, please feel free to give your opinion on this/these whetstones.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Kingfish's Avatar
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    I have a couple of them and can tell you that they both are at their best when you are willing to take your time and not push them hard with too much pressure. Many stones that are slow can deliver a great finish and this should not be looked as as a bad quality unless you are in a hurry. Some say that like any natural stone that the quality is better on some than other, yours looks like it would be a very good one if I had to guess. You were smart to get the slurry stone, they really help getting the most out of the Cnat IMHO.

  3. #3
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    I've got quite a dark one too.
    if you have the time to use it, they work well building a slurry does go quite slow as you said, but it's well worth doing so on this stone.

    i've sometimes found myself sitting in the sofa with this stone in one hand, my razor in the other, and just honing away while watching a movie :P
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  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Some info from quite some time back, hope it helps

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