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Thread: Which would you get?

  1. #1
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    Default Which would you get?

    For my birthday this year, my parents wanted to help me get into honing straight razors. Naturally, they were quite confused and opted to let me choose what I wanted to get. So I was looking around and I have two options I'm considering and I'm not sure what to get...they're the same price so I'm not sure which is the better bang for my buck, and which will also provide the best honing experience. The options are:

    1. Norton Starter Kit: Norton flattening stone, 4/8k and the 1k combo
    2. Norton 4/8k with a DMT325

    Which is more important...a wider array of grits or a higher quality lapping stone? My gut tells me to go with option #2 because I've heard the Norton and Naniwa flattening stones need to be lapped and I don't have the space to mess around with glass plates and sandpapers.

    I should also mention I was also given a 12k cnat stone from woodcraft for finishing.

  2. #2
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    I would go with option number 2. You can work up a slurry on the 4k to help set bevels. The DMT 325 is really useful. You can add a 1k bevel setter in the future.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    My bet is for #2.
    The Norton 4k/8K is a work horse and
    with a DMT the surfaces are going to have the
    same degree flatness which is key.

    Be gentle with the DMT and your 12k Cnat.
    The Cnat will eat twelve DMTs for lunch.
    If your Cnat needs more than a surface touch up
    resort to cheaper tricks.
    onimaru55 likes this.

  4. #4
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    The cnat looks pretty flat. I did a cursory check with a straight edge and I was impressed so I'd assume it doesnt need much lapping. Plus I don't plan on using it until I'm able to shave from the Norton.

    So, if I do go with option 2, which I think is what I'm going to do, I imagine I will also need to buy a slurry stone. I've seen slurry stones in the classifieds here, but are there other places to buy them?

  5. #5
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    If you mean slurry on the 4k, you can slurry that with the DMT325,no need for a slurry stone. If you mean later on the Cnat, I can't remember what they're slurrying with, but it's on one of the threads here.



  6. #6
    Norton convert Blix's Avatar
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    Option #2 for sure.

    While the C12K may look flat, do a pencil grid and find out how flat it really is when you get your DMT 325

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirStropalot View Post
    If you mean slurry on the 4k, you can slurry that with the DMT325,no need for a slurry stone. If you mean later on the Cnat, I can't remember what they're slurrying with, but it's on one of the threads here.


    That is way too logical for me to have realized on my own.

    And yes, I certainly plan on lapping the c12k. I was just saying I don't think it's going to need too much least not enoguh to wear out the dmt.

  8. #8
    Senior Member jeness's Avatar
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    I would go with option two aswell, you are better off with it. If you will need it you can buy a 1k stone after you mastered sharpening

  9. #9
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    Ok then, Norton 4/8 and DMT it is!

    I also just nabbed two old razors on ebay to practice on. One's an Ontario Cutlery and the other is unmarked. $15 for the pair. I anticipate my first razor not going so well so they should do the trick jsut fine.

  10. #10
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by U2Bono269 View Post
    Ok then, Norton 4/8 and DMT it is!

    I also just nabbed two old razors on ebay to practice on. One's an Ontario Cutlery and the other is unmarked. $15 for the pair. I anticipate my first razor not going so well so they should do the trick jsut fine.
    Ah, & here is where the 1k may have been handy
    Never mind the DMT may even be useful if the edges are real bad & the 4k with slurry has been known to set a bevel or 2
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

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