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Thread: Rolling Question

  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Charlie is using a Heel Forward Swooping Stroke and gently rolling the pressure off the stone.. It is almost exactly what I was talking about but if you slide the heel forward a bit more, the pressure roll is even easier to control... How you roll the pressure is the entire trick to this stroke, and takes a bit to master...

    There is only one "Rule" the spot on the edge that is on the hone must have the same opposing spot on the spine touching the hone at the same time, this is where the biggest problems arise because, first off the Vintage razors many times have multiple bevels to start and those have to be eliminated..

    Keep in mind that we are talking about 3 different types of razors now on this thread ..

    The OP's Dovo that really didn't need the technique
    Charlie's custom razor that has no issues
    A theoretical, Vintage razor with a smiling blade and a heavy grind that has multiple bevels

    These 3 types of razors are all handled slightly different there is no one size fits all rule here...
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  2. #12
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    I just recently added a wedge with a good smile on it, watch many videos and threads about it, and its definately a different animal, and took me a while to get it right, went back to the hones a few times but it was a blast, and shaving with a wedge is certainly different and so quiet............
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  3. #13
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    Thanks for the information guys. I have a smiling razor that I will try to hone.

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