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Thread: Uneven hone wear on Spine?

  1. #1
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    Question Uneven hone wear on Spine?

    I have two Bresduck DD Special No. 1's They appear to have come from a 7 day set. Both have uneven wear on the spines, same side and about the same amount (right side looking from the tail). First question: How does this happen? Second: If I want to hone them how do I correct for this, or can I?
    Thanks for any input.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member proximus26's Avatar
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    I think it will be hard to hone them from what I see. Beside grinding spine to equal level I can`t think about any other solution but maybe some expert will have their trick and share their secret:-)

  3. #3
    Senior Member BenjamanBarker's Avatar
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    I am of no help being a new honer but want to subscribe to see what the pros have as advice.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    I'm with benjeman. Would like to learned why and how! Double O

  5. #5
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    I don't consider myself a pro , but I've restored a few e-bay razors , and have put in plenty of hone time . IMHO , the razors are past the point of practical restoration . If you want the blade parallel with the spine , you are going to end up with a pretty thin razor . You could put a couple layers of tape on the spine , and reset the bevel , without changing the profile of the blade . But , if you want it done right , I think it would need to be re-ground by a real pro . You could buy a new Dovo for less than what that would cost you (I think). JMHO
    Last edited by dave5225; 03-29-2012 at 09:51 PM.
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

  6. #6
    Historically Inquisitive Martin103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave5225 View Post
    I don't consider myself a pro , but I've restored a few e-bay razors , and have put in plenty of hone time . IMHO , the razors are past the point of practical restoration . If you want the blade parallel with the spine , you are going to end up with a pretty thin razor . You could put a couple layers of tape on the spine , and reset the bevel , without changing the profile of the blade . But , if you want it done right , I think it would need to be re-ground by a real pro . You could buy a new Dovo for less than what that would cost you (I think). JMHO
    And the fact that most of the wear is only on one side complicate things even further. But im no pro either let see if somebody comes up with a solution.

  7. #7
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    The hone wear could be from uneven grinding. In that case it is only aesthetic and is irrelevant in terms of how to hone the razor.
    Basically, it looks uneven because that's what it took for the geometry to correct.

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

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  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    'Mostly conjecture on my part, but I see this wear pattern alot. 'Seems like the owners either had trouble getting the toe sharp and added pressure at the toe, or maybe they used and frequently touched up the toe section.

    The Special#1 is an excellent shaver (have had 4). The point is supposed to be square, but it remains an excellent shaver regardless how the toe has been worn or ground. If you wanted to return it to a square point - you can see how much metal removal would be required - which would include raising up the shoulder to keep the heel accessible to the stones. If it were mine, I wouldn't bother returning it to square. I'd want to keep as much of the metal in place as poss.
    TwistedOak likes this.

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  11. #9
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    Thanks for all the info. Another thing about these razors. One side will shave arm hair and the other won't. The side with the most hone wear on the spine shaves. If the pictures are not clear the hone wear is from the heel to the toe. The toe is worn more and the hone wear is wider there. And again, only on the right side.
    I was thinking about using a strip of tape on the worn side and not on the other, or two thicknesses of tape on the worn side and one on the other. Think that would work? Or just hone it
    HNSB Sorry just read and understood your post.
    Last edited by dlmarmon; 03-30-2012 at 01:38 AM. Reason: one question answered

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