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  1. #1
    Senior Member Krisdavie's Avatar
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    Default Possible to half hone a razor?

    Hey guys is it possible to "half hone" a razor? It might sound like a dumb question but I gave honing ago a little while ago and it appeared to be sharp for about two or three shaves but quickly went blunt again, I know the razor is good normally as it was shave ready when I bought it and I had it honed later on in the year and it held an edge great both times.

    I'm just wondering if my technique needs work or if I'm not honing enough before shaving with it?

    I'm using a combination of a bbw and a c12k stone I know there more finishing or touch up stones but it's all I got to work with at the moment.

    Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Have gotten some shave ready blades off the bay that were only half honed

  3. #3
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    You either overhoned it or underhoned it. Did you hone with slurry? If you did, maybe you didn't spend enough time on the stones when the stone was rinsed clean. There is soooo much that could have gone wrong & to top it off, you are honing with natural stones. Each and every natural stone has it's own personality you have to learn.

    I typically recommend learning on the synthetics like a Naniwa 3/8K or Norton 4/8K as you can literally follow MANY recipe's to get your razor where it should be. It is also possible that your razor needs to have the bevel re-set...there are sooo many possibilities. I

    If you want to stick with your stones, try to go back to the bbw and do 10 circles each side followed by 50 x strokes, then 50 x strokes on your China stone. NO slurry, just water. Follow with plain leather, no pastes or sprays, about 100 strokes. Shave & if it's not there yet, repeat. If it doesn't get there after the second time, you will need the bevel set on 1K.
    Last edited by ScottGoodman; 04-02-2012 at 09:41 PM.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  4. #4
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    That's way more than half. You either honed it 90% or 120%.

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