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Thread: Micro mesh as a cheap substitute for honing stones?

  1. #1
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    Default Micro mesh as a cheap substitute for honing stones?

    You can get a set of 9 'micro mesh' sheets (of 1.5K, 1.8K, 2.4K, 3.2K, 3.6K, 4K, 6K, 8K and 12K grits) for much less than a half of the price of one honing stone.

    Is there any reason why these couldn't be stuck to wooden blocks and used as a way to start honing cheaply?

    I've bought a set of 12" by 4" sheets anyway (I can find other uses for it if this isn't do-able), and will be getting some super cheap razors from the bay to try it out on.

    Has anyone tried this?


    EDIT: oh sorry, should this be in the 'hones' section? Please move the thread if it's more appropriate there.
    Last edited by azmreece; 04-23-2012 at 04:08 AM.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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  4. #3
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    I tried this. And I butter knifed my blade....mind you I can only get the small cushioned pads in my city, so that give in the "honing" surface is probably what did it.

  5. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I know an upfront purchase of hones may seem like a lot to invest, and ultimately only you can decide what you are willing to spend. But please consider the following:

    Under normal conditions, one set of hones will last longer than you will.
    Current production synthetic hones do not devalue significantly.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Lesslemming's Avatar
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    Short answer: NO!

    Micro Mesh is no substitute for a stone or 3M lapping film.
    I am not sure why, but the micro mesh just doesn't do a razors edge any good.
    Get some lapping film instead. This stuff is way cheaper than stones and a really well studied alternative.
    Do some research, maybe over at Badger&Blade. Seraphim is quite the advocate for all things lapping film.

    To make a short recommendation:
    Get a flat surface, like a tile, or floating glass and some lapping film (Aluminiumoxide Al2O3) in 5µm, 3µm and 1µm.
    Personally I would still recommend a 1k stone for setting a bevel. A king 1k may be a cheap option

    If you like it, you may stick to the lapping film, or invest into a full stone setup

  7. #6
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Micromesh works ok on convex edges like katana but razors have a different geometry. Apples & oranges.

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