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Thread: A new comer's honing journal(fellow newbs stay tuned!)

  1. #21
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    I have the king stones. I have not had the same problem with the Nagura. I have switched to using 325 grit sand paper to slurry them, although sometimes on my 8k I slurry with a coticule bout when I don't want to go through a coti progression. Overall I have found my king stones to be acceptable starters. I have recently purchased a Chosera 1K and a Norton 4/8 to round out my combo coti, king 800/4k, 6k, 8k and a C12k. Yesterday I lapped the Norton, which can I just say I was surprised at how much stone you have to remove to get a smooth finish. I took my Russian to the 8k as it had been tugging a little. Today I shaved with it, a world of difference from the king. I have made many razors shave-able off the king, but I felt there was a noticeable difference between edges. I think I am developing careful brother, its a silent (bank account) killer....

    Good luck and I cant wait to hear more about your progress!

  2. #22
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    You need a light touch with the nagura. If you break off chunks due to excess pressure you will scratch your hones. Also chamfer the edges of your nagura.
    alb1981 likes this.

  3. #23
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    Because out here they are $90 and I just bought a this set

  4. #24
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    Yeah... I was keeping a lot of pressure on it so that must be the cause of the gauging

  5. #25
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    Today has been a serious double edged sword for me. Today was the day I drove my wife and 4 month old son to the airport, where they have departed for Ontario for the next 6 months.... But on the bright side today was the official kick off of my Hone-A-Thon!

    Unfortunately, I dropped >.< and dented my Biedermeier wich I had originally been honing first, so today I had to repair the damage. But I have started on my Stiz Spartacus razor today and should have it 'shave ready' tonight.

    I should note, that I have not been really counting laps per say, more so going on the visual inspection of my edge and the degradation of my tape to judge how far along I am in honing. 3 to 5 tape strips into each hone at various blade angles and circles with the blade leading, wich I suppose if I where to count would be this; 10-15 laps per strip for the 1k, 15-25 laps on the 4k, and 30-45 laps on the 8k. Sound good so far?

  6. #26
    Senior Member sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nuntits View Post
    3 to 5 tape strips into each hone at various blade angles and circles with the blade leading
    If you are going through 3 to 5 strips of tape on each hone, I would say you are using WAY too much pressure (based on the estimated lap count that you provided). Also, can you explain what you mean by "various blade angles"? Anything other than the spine flat on the hone is not honing (it may be restoration, but definitely not in the realm of normal honing). Best of luck, and keep us posted. Glad you'll have honing to keep your mind off of being away from your family.

  7. #27
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    Angles of approach* as in I switch between toe, heel, and center of the blade leading, so that I'm not cutting the same way all the time. And as for pressure, you're probly right, or I switch out strips too often. I find I use medium to light pressure but that's me

  8. #28
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    I've been getting consistently smooth and close shaves with my Spartak, though I know I could get my razors sharper. I picked up a zenith barber stone in damn near mint condition and I've added it to my honing set up. I use it as a finisher so to speak( yeah I know it's like an 8k but it cuts way different from mine) I do maybe 10-20 passes on the zenith with no tape and no pressure.
    I honed up my red Imp today, can't wait to shave with it tomorrow!

    Couple pics of my bevels

    Name:  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1337223492.612654.jpg
Views: 138
Size:  11.2 KB
    Red imp
    Name:  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1337223517.339378.jpg
Views: 143
Size:  11.1 KB

  9. #29
    epd is offline
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    Your bevels look clean, but believe me looks mean nothing. I suggest you check out this thread,
    You will know your bevel is really truly set after you try to shave off 1k. Im not saying yours are good or bad, but they can always get better (mine do).

    Also, if you tape through your progression 1 4 8 ect, you need to tape for the barber hone aswell. If you dont, your not actually going to improve the edge.

    These are just little things I picked up along the way, hope they help!

  10. #30
    Senior Member Nuntits's Avatar
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    Fascinating epd. I do spend most of my time on the 1k. I will defiantly try this 1k shave with my next razor on the list to be honed.

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