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Thread: Small nick on the blade

  1. #1
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    Default Small nick on the blade

    Recently I received small nick on my TI blade.

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    I have already honed few razors and have small experience, but it will be my first try to repair something.
    At first I wanted to send it to Lynn, but with shipping in both way it will be very expensive for me, so I decided to fix it myself.

    I have Norton 220/1K and 4/8k. I want to know how the best to hone this razor? From which stone to start? Which method to use: circular or X-pattern? May I use tape to safe the spine?

    I want to know your opinion guys, once I tried to restore smiling razor, and even on 220k side it take a lot of time to do so.

  2. #2
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I would add a layer of tape. Then again, I always do..

    Then I'd go with the 1K to be honest, that nick isn't all that big, and the 1K will get that out in not too long a time.

    As to method, just use what you feel is natural to you, they all work.
    The razor seems to have a faint smile on it, so I would probably use some circles followed by som x.strokes.

    Good luck with it
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    Bonbon (05-14-2012)

  4. #3
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Don't use the 220. I personally don't like it. Too soft, and the slurry might well scratch up your blade surface.
    Start with 1K and that ding should disappear fast enough.
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  6. #4
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    Yet another opinion to start at 1K. If circles work the full length of the edge, then mix between circles and X until the nick is gone. I have not had to take a nick out of a razor yet, but with swords, when I can not see the nick any more. I slice paper with it. Watch for it to catch or consistently leave a furry spot when that point of the blade passes through it. Then start the progression @ 1K because of drawing it though paper.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to LameBMX For This Useful Post:

    Bonbon (05-14-2012)

  8. #5
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    Thank you very much!
    I think that I will start at 1k with layer of tape and will combine circles and X. Then I will take off layer on 1k and hen go to 4k and 8k stones!
    I hope I will have time tomorrow evening to try it. Then I will post my results!

  9. #6
    Still Learning ezpz's Avatar
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    akin to the paper cutting test, running the edge along the tip/edge of your thumbnail can help you feel if the nick is gone.. the paper test might be better though.

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    Bonbon (05-14-2012)

  11. #7
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    I will try both methods and also I have pocket microscope which I can use to check the blade

  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonbon View Post
    Thank you very much!
    I think that I will start at 1k with layer of tape and will combine circles and X. Then I will take off layer on 1k and hen go to 4k and 8k stones!
    I hope I will have time tomorrow evening to try it. Then I will post my results!
    Just dont forget, when you take the tape off you will need to create a completely new bevel w/o tape. Doing it this way will make the new bevel start where the old bevel meets body of razor and move to the edge. Make sure the bevel gets done proper before moving on.

    I didnt even think of using the thumbnail to feel for it.

  13. #9
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    So yesterday was difficult evening\night
    First of all I forgot to mentioned that I have not a standard Norton hones, I have 1/4 size from Whipped Dog:
    Whipped Dog Straight Razor Shaving Equipment

    I honed razors on them with out any problem, but you definitely can't use them for restoration!

    I started at 1k with tape, but after few laps I understand that I don't want to change razor geometry and take tape off. After that I started to make circles and after some time I found that my small stones make my razor uneven! Because blade do not place on the stone and also my Norton make some scratches on the blade (I don't know how, as I flatted in before, maybe razor scratch on the edge of the stone). So I stooped circles and started X-strokes. I was working on 1k for more then 1,5 hour... and still there was very little result. As I already had scratches on the razor I decided to move to the 220 grit stone. I was making very very light x-strokes, and after 1,5 hour more I managed to get rid of this nick on the blade and level off my razor geometry. Now I have no nick and off-course have some wear on the spine - but I saved manufacturers geometry.

    Next time I will create bevel on 1k, and go to the 4/8k Norton stone to the finish this razor, then I will need to find something to polish the blade. Scratches very little but still I don't want them on the blade.

    After my yesterday work I understand that I will love this razor even more There is not big hone wear, I was afraid it will be more. At least I save almost $50 (Lynn work and shipping in both ways maybe can be even more).

    What can you recommend to polish the blade?

    Also want to share which razor I receive today

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    This dead razor from my very far relative, I think that I will try in near future bring it back to the life. If rust is not deep, I will clean it, hone and change scales, good that the geometry save.
    What interesting on scales stamped price - 4 RUR = $0,12 It was great time when you can purchase razor for $0,12
    LameBMX likes this.

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