Wow-The proof was in the shave! After a couple of days to let my whiskers grow, and a beautiful sunny afternoon catching up on some yardwork, I showered off the grime, and whipped up fluffy gobs of Tabac (that way, if I got a lousy shave, I couldn't blame it on this great performer). I expected issues after my honing conundrum discussed above.

But honestly, it was the most effortless, irritation-free shave I've ever had! Though this was a number of 1sts for me-1st Sheffield, 1st heavy/large smiling blade, 1st barber's notch, it was like that smile was made to wipe away the whiskers from my neck hollows, and it was almost too easy to let the weight and mass of the blade do all the work. Though it didn't give the usual "buttering toast" sound of my hollow blades, it didn't need to. The whiskers just fell away, total BBS!

If it shaves this great after those half-assed circles described above (all the way through finishing on the Norton 8k), followed by just a few strokes CrOx linen, then my usual 30/50 linen/latigo, I can't imagine what a great shave it will give once I learn how to hone it, and get a real finisher! Even after the shave, a few token strokes on both strops brought it back to wicked, HHT sharp-I am stunned at how responsive this thing is to my ham-handed work on it.

Anyway, enough gushing. Consider me the newest member of the cult of Sheffields, and suffice to say I now have a new favorite razor.

One final note: You guys in the path enjoy the "Ring of Fire" this evening. BigSpendur, you're in Albuquerque, right? I hear that's about as far East as it will be visible. Have a great week, gents!