Quote Originally Posted by pinklather View Post

Other than bevel issues, the only time I've had an edge not last a shave is when it was overhoned - which is extremely rare. This is why you will likely join those of us that have spent months learning how huge an issue a good bevel is. Every time I thought I 'got it'. I found I had more to learn. Is it possible you've overhoned? Yup - but a very low probability.

There's absolutely nothing lacking in the existing vids on setting a bevel, but sometimes a slight variation in explanation or technique can unlock the door. Maybe this will help, maybe not. Our own Mrsell has a blog entry on it that is as good as any I've seen. I particularly noted the use of backstrokes on the low grit stones - which I've been using lately to good effect.
Honing help for newer straight shavers - Blogs - razorandstone

Some blades also just defy normal treatment. Glen can tell you about a dreaded sheffield wedge that I slaved over for more than 7 hrs and couldn't get a bevel. Blades that have seen indelicate use of buffers can also give fits. I don't know if either of these conditions apply.

They won't be the last blades that give you fits. I do suspect you'll break through the obstacles and find them worthy shavers.
Thanks for posting that, had never seen it before. Have just recently gone through the process of bevel setting and sharpening for the first time, and while it shaves pretty nicely I still feel like it's just a hair away from being perfect. Thanks again!