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Thread: DOVO red paste

  1. #1
    Senior Member strtman's Avatar
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    Default DOVO red paste

    Information about the compilation and use of DOVO red paste is spread over many topics. Therefore I would like to start a separate topic about this matter.

    Does anyone have experience with this substance? If so, what can you tell about the results? Where is it made of?

    Did you use it on leather, canvas, etc.? How many passes, how often, etc.?

    As far as I have used the red paste, I think it is good stuff for a touch-up. But the razor gets blunt way too soon, so I guess I am doing something wrong. Or not?

    Thanks in advance for all input.

  2. #2
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    The Dovo red paste is roughly in the 8 K Range. So it's not the best for touch ups by itself. Dovo black is better for that purpose being in the 12K range. I have found dovo paste to work best on rough leather. Dovo paste in general are slow and can require a fair amount of laps to get the best results. I have found it hard to over use these paste. I have used dovo green, red, black to take a razor with a bevel from not shave ready to shave ready.

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  4. #3
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I am a fan of Dovo pastes. I use all three (green, red, and black) with varying success.

    I have tried them all on balsa, leather, and linen. Ultimately, I find that I like the green on balsa the best, and the red and black on linen.

    I find that they seem to "settle down" my blades a bit, and provide me with a "smoothness" of sorts. I use the black dang near every shave before hitting up the linen and leather. It might be more of a function of habit than anything. That said - and this will probably make some guys eyes roll LOL - if I hit a barbers hone, diamond paste, or any kind of sharpening device, I'll run the blade on red and then the black : ).

    Who knows - maybe i am going backward, but a blade treated to diamond paste or a good finishing stone, is just too harsh for my face.

    Well that's my story - this week lol - check back later and who knows what I'll be doing. : )

  5. #4
    Senior Member strtman's Avatar
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    Thank you Castel33 and earcutter for sharing this.

    I just finished a shave. The razor was originally honed by Lynn. After every shave I carefully do my stropping. But fifteen shaves later I got razor burns. So yesterday I stropped the razor on leather treated with the red paste, ten passes. After that about thirty passes on canvas and fifty passes on leather. The results were satisfying. No nicks, cuts, razor burns or an irritating skin. So I am back on track.

    But for how long before I have to get back to the red paste, I do not know. I will inform you through this topic.

  6. #5
    Senior Member strtman's Avatar
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    In addition to my last response, there is something I forgot to ask. Pure curiosity, but does someone know where the substance is made of?

    Any chemists on the forum?

  7. #6
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    I am not sure what it is made of exactly but the generally thought is that it is jeweler rouge now what that is made of I am not sure.

  8. #7
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    I've had good results with touch-up on Dovo black on a latigo paddle. The black paste seems to work on the few razors that prefer it to a barber hone. I've heard it is around 1µ.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Jewelers rouge is iron oxide.

  10. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    A little clarification

    Dovo Pastes

    Green 5-8 microns
    Red 3-5 microns
    Black 1-3 Microns

    They are also a mild cutter, not anything like CrOx, CBN, or Diamond..
    Many people like them on the softer Sheffield steels, in my experience I like them on leather paddle or bench strops, but I have heard others that used them on linen with good success..
    Some people on the EU forums that are not as hone oriented as SRP use these on loom strops to finish their razors...

    Hope that helps

  11. #10
    Senior Member strtman's Avatar
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    Sticky, Crotalus, gssixgun, thanks for your input.

    The micron specification of the DOVO pastes is useful information. Can I steal some of your time, gssixgun, by asking the following questions?

    1. You write that the pastes are not anything like CrOx, CBN, Diamond. Can you be more specific?

    2. What is the micron calibration of CrOx, CBN and Diamond?

    3. What does the abbreviations CrOx and CBN mean?

    4. Do you know the chemical structure of the red paste?

    5. What are your experiences with the red paste in relation to touch-ups?

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