I was under the impression they were supposed to come shave ready off of Japanese naturals straight from Iwasaki (aren't their razors their number one item?).

The first nihon kamisori I tried came from a source whose honing abilities I trust to the fullest, but my first four shaves were far from comfortable. It improved after that, so my tecnique was to blame; their a completely different animal than 'western style' razors.

Before honing it or sending it out to have it honed I would shave with it five to ten times to get used to shaving with one. Especially if it was my first nihon kamisori. I've been occasionally shaving with one for the past three months (about once a week, so a good ten to fifteen shaves or so) and I'm still not perfectly happy with my technique. I do only use one side, though. I want to learn it the proper traditional way.

[EDIT] I didn't even read the last post, glad to hear it worked out for you!