Quote Originally Posted by garythepenman
I would also like to see the title "honemeister" changed as this can be miss leading to newbies etc.

Guys, you've got to get past this anal topic. Anyone that gives credence to a title that is based on the number of posts needs to step back and take another look at themselves. I'm not defending the use of "Honemeister" after 100 posts... far from it. The number of posts can't validate ANY TITLE... period! How many posts on SRP would make someone a "honemeister"? Does 25 make a "shaver"? 50 a "barber"? Why not pick on them too? If Maestro Livi were to post, would he be a "honemeister" after his first post, his 100th post, his 1000th post? What?

Unfortunately virtually every set of titles you can conjure up has a connotation that someone can misinterpret if they are foolish enough to go there. The reason newbies misinterpret is because they're NEWBIES. We'll change the titles and the thresholds someday... and we'll make them as innocuous as possible... then you can say whatever happened to "Honemeister"

(Now, before you decide to post a reply to what I've said, I'm not looking for a reply, solution, answer, or anything... I'm just expressing my feelings that NONE of our titles make any sense related to the number of posts. And none ever will, most likely. If you insist on answering anyway, I'm telling you to open a new thread in the Site Comments forum if you want to discuss it further. Let's leave Josh's thread on topic!)