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Thread: Some time apart....

  1. #1
    Senior Member ironsidegnr's Avatar
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    Default Some time apart....

    Well, tonight I found myself in a bit of a bind..

    I lent out my Naniwa 8 and 12k to another member on the forum....and all I had left was my
    little 1.75x4 inch Coticule. This was the stone that I started honing on about a year ago, and
    as soon as I started getting Naniwas' I stopped using it. At the time, I found it too narrow
    and too short. I would rock the razor during my strokes and just had a hell of a time with it.

    So tonight, I had re-scaled a razor that I will be using as a loaner for people that are interested
    in trying out straight shaving. It was a smaller 4/8 "H&S" (generic stamp from some US co).
    The blade was in good shape, it had a small chip in the heel but nothing terrible.

    Since I had my Naniwa 1k, I decided to remove the chip with that in order to save myself about an
    hour of honing on my coti.

    After the chip was gone, I went to work.

    It has been at least 6 months since I honed a razor on this stone, and I forgot how nice the feedback was. I loved it! What really made me pat myself on the back a little was that I didn't find the stone difficult to use anymore. My honing stroke has steadied up so I had no problem keeping the blade flat and even on the hone.

    More importantly though, I could actually feel my progress from the feedback on the hone. I knew when I needed to dilute, add/remove a little pressure ect. Everything just came together really well.

    Just to see what would happen, I didn't use any pastes ect. Just 40 linen and 100 Leather.

    I'm going to take it for a test drive tomorrow and see, but if my bald leg is any indicator I think I'll be a happy man tomorrow.

    I haven't noticed any improvement on my honing in a long time. I like my results, and other people seem to as well I just feel like I stagnated a bit. This was a nice experience just to let me know that I really did improve, even though I didn't notice it along the way.


    Experience shared, take from it what you will

    Cheers gentlemen,

    Good shaving.
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    Through the mud and the blood, to the green fields beyond.

  2. #2
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    For me, after building a base foundation of honing, learning and experimenting with other hones taught me a lot & revisiting stones is educational as well. I'm sure your shave will be a good one, but await your report as you have become accustomed to the 12K.

  3. #3
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    I use a dmt1200 which does the same job as any bevel setter..the rest is on my 6" x 1.5" combo long as your blades stays flat on your're fine..go very lightly using weight only of the blade

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Nothing helps to relieve the old "stagnate" feeling better, than going out & buying a new hone.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member ironsidegnr's Avatar
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    I was just thinking about that...

    Not really sure what i want to try next though?

    I want to try some naturals but I'm not sure where to start out.

    I like my 12k Naniwa, but is there a (subjectively) better finisher that I should try out?
    Through the mud and the blood, to the green fields beyond.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Don't think about it, just do it.
    Trust me, you will sleep better tonight knowing that there is a new hone in the house.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Hirlau For This Useful Post:

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  8. #7
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironsidegnr View Post
    I was just thinking about that...

    Not really sure what i want to try next though?

    I want to try some naturals but I'm not sure where to start out.

    I like my 12k Naniwa, but is there a (subjectively) better finisher that I should try out?
    Questions to ask yourself.
    How good is the 12k shave ? What would make it better ?

    If the shave is really good an expensive natural will give you 1or2% improvement in smoothness. It won't do as much for sharpness.
    You're classically looking at a principle of diminishing returns but the fun factor makes up the other 98-99%.
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to onimaru55 For This Useful Post:

    mapleleafalumnus (09-04-2012)

  10. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironsidegnr View Post
    I was just thinking about that...

    I like my 12k Naniwa, but is there a (subjectively) better finisher that I should try out?

    Of course there is I have just what you need Bwhooooowhaaaahahahahaha. Send me $1500 and I will reveal the magic rock to you.
    It just keeps getting better

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaswarb View Post
    Of course there is I have just what you need Bwhooooowhaaaahahahahaha. Send me $1500 and I will reveal the magic rock to you.
    Does he make the cheque out to "Cranky Yankee Antiques"? Just Kidding!
    rolodave likes this.

  12. #10
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    I follow my cotis (La Verte & La Veinette) with my Naniwa 12k SS and really love the edge

    Have fun !

    Best regards

    ScottGoodman likes this.

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