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Thread: Small bevel on W&B 8/8 need help.

  1. #1
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    Default Small bevel on W&B 8/8 need help.

    Got this in the mailbox today, after a little cleanup with micro mesh and Metal cleaner, I am ready to hone,

    The bevel is small but has several chips that can only be seen at 30x that eat into it about half way. The blade is .955 thousands so just short of 8/8

    I would like some advise.

    3 layers of tape? Bit the bullet and go for it? Send To honemeister only?

    I have experience in restoring razors and getting them shave ready, but this is making me nervouse because of the value starts dropping as it starts getting thinner..

    Also can I even call a .955 width razor 8/8? Or do,we call it 31/32?
    or do I have to say 7/8?

    Last edited by sidmind; 09-14-2012 at 06:19 AM.

  2. #2
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    3 layers of tape? why?
    If you really want to use tape, 1 layer will suffice, and with a narrow bevel like that, a little time on the 1000 grit will fix those chips in no time.

    more than 1 layer is only necessary in extreme circumstances where the spine is worn away more than the edge (due to bad regrinding for example) or because the spine has worn so much that there is a problems with clearance around the shoulder area.

    Your razor is not like that.
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  3. #3
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Default Re: Small bevel on W&B 8/8 need help.

    If the chipping is visible at 30x but not to your naked eye, it's in the sub-thousandth neighborhood.
    Just hone it out. Heck, if its that small, and you're paranoid about metal removal just use a 4k.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidmind View Post
    Also can I even call a .955 width razor 8/8? Or do,we call it 31/32?
    or do I have to say 7/8?
    I recently listed a couple of razors in the classifieds that were about that width. I could have said 8/8 and the buyer would've been a bit disappointed but probably close enough to accept it. Or I could've said 7/8 and the buyer would've been pleased that the width was slightly larger .... but I listed them as 15/16 because that is what they are. Buyer got what I said they would get and no surprises.
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  5. #5
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    61/64 would be closer to correct.

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  6. #6
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    Default Small bevel on W&B 8/8 need help.

    I followed the advice about using the norton 4k to set the bevel, took much longer, but that is ok. I originally used the shureia 1200 (sp?) which I hate, I think I was breaking down the edge, as it seemed to be getting new micro chips the more I honed. It wasn't until I switched to the 4k. I actually made any progress. I need a good 1k stone..

    I am not sure how well I like the shave from this thing. My other big straight is a wedge and I love shaving from it. This one just seems to have a strange sound, I think it's cutting just fine, but the harmonics while shaving just sound different.
    Last edited by sidmind; 09-15-2012 at 12:56 PM.

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