Me personally when I do the arm hair test I use the back of my hand (hair grows back pretty quick). You have alot of nerve endings in your hand like your face does; so the sensitivity is closer than your forearm or leg or whatever you use. Chances are if the blade feels harsh on the back of your will on your face. Once I have the blade feeling pretty smooth off my 8k from the hand test I do five more laps, then move to the 12k rinse repeat, then 25 passes on crox, 50 on mesh or rough leather, 75 on smooth leather and shave. If it doesn't feel the way I want it, I go back to the 12k for 5 laps and back up the chain. Just my two cents. You will find what works for you, and gain a "feel" for your razors over time and practice. Just pay attention and use the numbers as a "guide" just to help keep track of where you are. Thus, why everyone says # - # and not this many and stop. Oh, and each razor you come across will act differently as well; so what works for one may not work for the other...that's where the "feel" comes to play.