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Thread: Need help setting bevel.

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    The 7/16 razor I bought from Whippeddog. It was sharp when I got it, but dulled it. The 5/8 is a Geneva I bought from an antique shop. It has a sway back and a slight smile. The videos I've watched make things look easy. 100 or 200 strokes. I've done a lot more than that. I soaked and lapped the King before I used it, but it seems like it needs pressure to to work. I have a 200 Imanishi hone and I'm tempted to use that. If the marker doesn't work to show when the bevel is done I don't know what to use for tests. The TPT, even on a DE blade just feels smooth when I slide along it, but I'm careful not to use much pressure. The razor I sharpened feels sharp. I can pop arm hair at skin level with some, but it doesn't shave easily. Cutting above skin level I think is only a dream. Maybe my hair doesn't work for testing.

    Thanks everyone for posts
    Last edited by binder; 11-02-2012 at 06:45 AM.

  2. #12
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    I have just been able to set a couple bevels and I found that light pressure works best for me. Let the stone do the work. To each his own. If you can get a shavable blade, you are doing things well. Now time to master your technique to expedite honing.

  3. #13
    Member MikkoK's Avatar
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    Could some of the more experienced guys shed light into this matter. If you take a completely dull (as in butter knife) and start honing with pressure, what kind of signs are you looking for to tell you that the bevel is coming together and you should lighten up on the pressure?

    I noticed an increased drag or resistance on the hone and the sound changed also when I thought I was close. I got very grabby tpt and arm hair popping on parts of the edge, but then when I went to dial in the heel that was still lacking I managed to make the razor dull again by using lighter pressure. I dont understand? Black magic I guess

  4. #14
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    If you are trying to get just the heel are you torquing the razor or are you "Rocking" the razor. With rocking the razor you have to be careful to rock the blade equally while moving it or sometimes you will end up dragging the edge along the corner of the hone which will take the edge down a step or two. Before I ever even attempted honing I did alot of reading and watched alot of videos. I wanted to have as much knowledge beforehand. I find that I am constantly learning every time I hone. Each razor has something different that it wants to teach me. Any razor that doesn't make full contact with the hone without having to torque the blade or "rock" it I imagine a line down the center of the hone and I put all pressure "if I'm using any" or the edge of the blade on the line. Really hard to explain what I mean. Sound like you are getting the hang of it so all I can say is keep at it.

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