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Thread: Using a loupe when honing

  1. #11
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    The led lighted ebay loupe is great! For a couple bucks it really helps spot thos nibbles you can't see with the naked eye... And when no one is looking you can put it up to your eye and pretend your are the terminator....

  2. #12
    Sinner Saved by Grace Datsots's Avatar
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    When I started honing I really liked using my 60 - 100 times illuminated pocket microscope. Now having honed 10 razors, some multiple times, I mostly only use it to check for geometry and chipping problems.

    Once you have a decent handle on you hones, a scope or loupe becomes a hassle more than a help. But still quite helpful in evaluating a new razor.


  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Datsots View Post
    When I started honing I really liked using my 60 - 100 times illuminated pocket microscope. Now having honed 10 razors, some multiple times, I mostly only use it to check for geometry and chipping problems.

    Once you have a decent handle on you hones, a scope or loupe becomes a hassle more than a help. But still quite helpful in evaluating a new razor.


    Once the bevel is set unless you nick your edge there shouldn't be need to use your loupe, unless you like to admire the keenness of your edge of course. I am using it as a learning tool and also since I just received my Goldedge that needed to be honed it helped setting the bevel and making sure I didn't miss the toe and heel of the blade.

  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Datsots View Post
    When I started honing I really liked using my 60 - 100 times illuminated pocket microscope. Now having honed 10 razors, some multiple times, I mostly only use it to check for geometry and chipping problems.

    Once you have a decent handle on you hones, a scope or loupe becomes a hassle more than a help. But still quite helpful in evaluating a new razor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Endofab View Post

    Once the bevel is set unless you nick your edge there shouldn't be need to use your loupe, unless you like to admire the keenness of your edge of course. I am using it as a learning tool and also since I just received my Goldedge that needed to be honed it helped setting the bevel and making sure I didn't miss the toe and heel of the blade.
    Really ???? are you sure maybe that it won't help you at the end of the progression, perhaps looking for a perfect finish to the edge, or maybe after stropping on linen to make sure there isn't a fagile edge that fell apart ???? or even after the leather to make sure that there are no final issues before you take it to your face??? It is after all the last chance you have to see what your honing did, compared to what the strop or your face did to the edge..

    Just a couple of hints in there

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Really ???? are you sure maybe that it won't help you at the end of the progression, perhaps looking for a perfect finish to the edge, or maybe after stropping on linen to make sure there isn't a fagile edge that fell apart ???? or even after the leather to make sure that there are no final issues before you take it to your face??? It is after all the last chance you have to see what your honing did, compared to what the strop or your face did to the edge..

    Just a couple of hints in there

    This is preposterous, you mean to tell me that the edge can change between the hone and strop? How could a blade that looks like this change...

    Sorry that was a shameless plug of my new beauty. Now stop drooling over the cracked ice..

    On a more serious note I have been examining every stage of the blade and I look at it twice or so just to see if there is anything I missed. I find my eye fatigues while looking through the loupe so I take a break to get a better look. I am of the very detail oriented so I do like to examine things every step of the way. I am actually excited to get the pocket microscope to get a better look at the edge. Thanks for the hints I will have to take a look when I get the microscope as the 30x loupe is not powerful enough to discern any difference between hone and strop.

  6. #16
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I have that exact Lopue and find it invaluable, the LED's really work well for my eyes

  7. #17
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    oh I didn't say I didn't find it useful. I was actually pleased I bought it when I was honing and had this ureka moment when I realize I had a better way to examine my edge.. It has proven to be a very valuable item unlike a lot of things purchased. I am still interested to get a closer look.

  8. #18
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    That is a sure nuff pretty GE what did you use for a finisher ????

    I just sent home a Wonderedge and a GE that I ended up using the new Zulu stone on, pretty sweet edges

    There it is
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-18-2012 at 06:49 AM.

  9. #19
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    All I currently have is a norton 4k/8k combo. I have been contemplating getting a naniwa 12k. I am really new to this whole world. Although I am a fast learner. I shaved with the GE today and I have to get used to the width of the blade as it is about 3/8 taller than the razor I started with. I love the look and heft of the GE though. I wish I could find one of them reapers for a decent price.. there is one of ebay and it is currently at $710, just a lot out of my price range!

  10. #20
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Reapers are rare. in good shape they are like Hen's teeth...

    They are great shavers but not that great

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