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Thread: Naniwa SS Pyramid
11-27-2012, 01:18 AM #1
Naniwa SS Pyramid
I have a Dovo Carre Grenadille that had never really shaved well. Some laps on a Naniwa SS 12k and some Chromium Oxide helped but it was still leaving stubble after a shave. I thought maybe the bevel was messed up or something and was going to send it out to get honed. Before I did that I thought I should try a Pyramid on it. If I messed it up no big deal, I was going to send it out anyway and I had the Naniwa SS to do it.
I read some stuff on Pyramids (not the ones in Egypt) and watched Lynn's and Gssixgun's videos a bunch of times. After that I thought I could do it. I did a 3 and 3, then 1 and 3, then a 1 and 5 on my Naniwa SS 5k and 8k. It was cutting leg hair med length. I then did 15 laps on a Naniwa 10k and then 15 laps on a Naniwa 12k. Then 10 laps with Chromium Oxide on SRD Wool felt. Then 50 laps on linen, 50 laps on SRD Premium IV and then 50 laps on Tony Miller 3" SteerHide. After all that, I finally shaved with it.
That razor gave me a real close shave . That thing is sharp and it felt smooth. My cheeks are a little red because I used too much pressure but I'm very happy with the results. Maybe I'll do only 5 laps with the Chromium Oxide next time.
12-02-2012, 12:48 PM #2
Congrats on your success!
Did you get the razor shave ready or was it the factory edge?
12-03-2012, 12:57 AM #3
I've alway bought shave ready razors but I think this razor was mistakenly put in the "done" pile. It just needed a little more time on some stones. It could've been a factory edge but I can't be certain because I've never knowingly used one. I really like the Naniwa SS and I'm wondering how many people use the 10k and 12k in their progression?