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Thread: New razor. what do I do?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default New razor. what do I do?

    Hi, I am brand new to straight razor shaving. I just ordered a Baxter Blue Steel "Not A Replica" from Hart. I read on this forum that Rivera805 stated that this razor was very sharp right out of the box. I was wondering if I should still send this out when I get it to be honed and stropped or if it will be shave ready? Any and all opinions are welcomed. Thank you

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Hi FM. I've not owned a Hart, but have honed two for others. I like 'em - but I like heavy razors - whether the grind is heavy like a Hart or not. 'Can't speak for the factory edge, but I've heard the same as you - that they come fairly ready. They're sold as '1/4 hollow' but are near wedge. The importance here is mostly for subsequent honing - if the honer uses tape. The tape must be very well centered on the spine (with no stretching of the tape) or you'll be grinding a new and asymetric bevel with each change of tape.
    They are usually called a 'silent shaver' - like most heavy sheffields. This does not have to be the case, and I don't give up feedback willingly. The heavy blade will have subdued feedback, but should still be there - singing bass instead of the soprano of the full hollows.
    Whether the factory edge is satisfactory or not, when you need a touch-up, PM me. 'Just pick up return shipping. I still hone for free.
    You might want to consider a 2nd (way less costly) blade to use while the other is out for touch-ups or should you suddenly discover an edge has gone south.
    You have a very nice razor that should be a wonderful shaver. Enjoy!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Like PL said, it should be ready to go when you get it. If you are inexperienced at the art of shaving with a straight razor realize that there is a learning curve. If you haven't already done so check out the beginner's guide here.
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