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Thread: Meets in Japan

  1. #1
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    Default Meets in Japan

    Hello all,

    I'm having difficulty getting good edges off my hones, and I was wondering if there were any meets among members here in Japan where I could see some more experienced people at work on the hones. Seems there are many meets in the US and elsewhere, but I can't find mention on the forums of any over here.

    Just to provide some background, I started trying to hone my own razors several months ago, but my edges are no where close in sharpness to a professional's; they do shave, but not nearly as well as I know they could. This is to be expected, of course, since I'm not a pro, but there seem to be many people who are able to get very good edges with only a few months of work at it. I have read all newbie article relating to honing on this site and many others. I've watched Glen's videos, Lynn's DVD, and a great many others repeatedly. I have since tried to apply the techniques I learned, and have worked on several of my razors. Despite this, I only seem to ever get mediocre edges. I think if I can see in person how a more experienced honer works, I might make some progress.


  2. #2
    I need to return some video tapes Minnebrew's Avatar
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    You can search, I just searched under "Location: Japan" and there seem to be a bunch of members there.
    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have troubles with it. Otherwise feel free to PM a mentor with questions, not as good as one on one meet but maybe someone can skype you and help too. Otherwise bombard us with questions, read the forums and enjoy.

  3. #3
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    I can't help you, but I'm another member in Japan who would appreciate a bit of help, maybe a meet sometime in 2013 if anyone is willing to help us out....

  4. #4
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    Thanks a lot Minnebrew. Actually, part of the reason that I would like to see some more experienced honers at work is because I don't really see why I'm not arriving at anything besides mediocre edges, and I'm not sure what to ask about as a result. I sometimes wonder if it's just because I'm comparing my razors, which only come off an 8k after lower grits, with those that I have gotten professionally honed. I doubt my lack of using a real finisher should be the problem, though, as finishing on an 8k should be fine (I've actually shaved several times of my chosera 1k).

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