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  • 2 Post By niftyshaving

Thread: A burr of massive size.

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Exclamation A burr of massive size.

    Re: stainless and burrs.

    The other night I set out to tidy up a kitchen knife that
    had worn a little wrong for my taste.

    I took it to my big DMT extra coarse and started to reshape
    the nose and heal so it would be better. In a min or two
    I thought I should have the profile just right but with without my
    glasses I did not notice the big burr that had developed.

    The burr was thin like aluminum foil and about 1/32nd of an inch wide.
    Not a problem but something to gawk at.

    Next I switched to a much finer DMT and the little bugger
    continued to hang on. Now that was amazing. This knife
    is a well known brand of German stainless so it is not terrible
    knife steel.

    Next I switched to water stones and it was gone in
    an instant. But the whole thing got me to think about
    burrs, honing, DMTs and water stones and other hones.

    First pressure encourages a burr.

    Switching to a finer hone while there is still
    a burr on the edge will just extend the burr only

    Hone with a light hand.

    Hard aggressive DMTs remove steel well but sharpen differently than water stones.

    The pyramid method, Japanese hone strokes and circles: all address the problematic burr.

    Test for and address any burr that might develop asap as they will haunt you.
    gssixgun and sharptonn like this.

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    Hirlau (01-12-2013)

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