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Thread: New Razor

  1. #1
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    Smile New Razor

    I have a new Boker Extra Hollow Razor. My previous razors were purchased either on Ebay so I kew what I was dealing with or from Straight Razor Designs so they came shave ready. The Boker came very sharp but has an incredibly harsh effect on my skin. Tried stropping it a couple of hundred time but it still needs polishing at the least. Would appreciate hearing from others who have purchased new Bokers and what they did to make them shave ready. Thanks.
    Last edited by robert42556; 01-13-2013 at 08:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member dfafs's Avatar
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    Default New Razor

    I got a Böker from SRD and it shaved really smooth. Maybe you are using a bit too much pressure? I'm just thinking about my experience with a DE. When I used too much pressure, it was harsh on my face.

  3. #3
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    I find it odd that you are having that issue, especially with a razor from SRD. It could be a pressure issue, angle, and many more things.....what is your beard prep like? Have you done anything different since buying your new razor compared to the ones from ebay?

  4. #4
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    It took me a few reads, but what I am getting is that it wasn't bought from SRD but another vendor. Most razors don't come "shave ready" to our standards, from the factory. So the razor will probably need to be honed to bring it up to snuff.

  5. #5
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    yes, I got it from a knife shop that was dropping its razor and selling them off at cost. All my other new razor came from SRD so I wasn't sure how may strokes I need to give a new boker to bring it up to snuff. Just fried about 10 strokes at 4k, 10 at 8k and 40 strokes on a Chinese waterstone that about 12k. Getting ready to try it out shortly, but would be interested in knowing what the usual would have been. Thanks

  6. #6
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    your bevel must not be set. Send it out for honing.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by robert42556 View Post
    yes, I got it from a knife shop that was dropping its razor and selling them off at cost. All my other new razor came from SRD so I wasn't sure how may strokes I need to give a new boker to bring it up to snuff. Just fried about 10 strokes at 4k, 10 at 8k and 40 strokes on a Chinese waterstone that about 12k. Getting ready to try it out shortly, but would be interested in knowing what the usual would have been. Thanks
    Let us know how it works for you. In answer to your question of what "the usual" would be, well theres no definate answer to that, depends on where the blade was at when you got it. The bevel may have been set well and all that was needed was exactly what you did or it may need to be set right from scratch.

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  9. #8
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    Roughness is gone. That Chinese water stone really smooths a blade. Got a BB shave but it took 6 passes. Will probably stand pat a couple of shaves to get totally adjusted to the blade (this is my first Boker). If I keeps taking 6 passes I'll probably repeat the process 10, 10 and 40 on the Chinese Water stone. This was an Extra Hollow Ground razor, but I noticed that is didn't "sing" as much as I expected so I'm figuring that the best is yet to come. Thanks

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