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Thread: over honed

  1. #1
    Senior Member Airportcopper's Avatar
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    Default over honed

    I recently honed two razors. Lathered and tried shaving pulling and just horrible shaves.
    ok then went back to the hones did a conservative pyramid hone on one.This razor now shaves wtg, xtg nicely. But still not the way i really like it. I stropped it on scrub and leather twenty and twenty. I want the blade a lil smoother, do i strop on diamond ten on each side or back to the 8k? The other razor i honed weny to the aggressive pyramid stule of honig, after being threw the full pyramid because it was pulling like hell.My question with this razor its still pulling and still shaving badly did i overhone ?? Where do i go I have a king 1k norton 4/8 and a diamomd spray strop prem leather and scrub??

  2. #2
    Senior Member ccase39's Avatar
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    What kind of razors are they? Are they German ground or are they something that came from Pakistan or China? There could be multiple problems here from lack of experience and learning curve to blade quality. Do you have a properly set bevel? One problem that does jump out is the 20 and 20 stropping routine. After honing I usually do 5 Chromium Oxide, 30-50 linen then 100 leather. That won't matter though unless you have a properly set bevel in the first place. It is a lot harder to over hone a razor than you may think. I have honed some of my razors 15 times or more for practice and have not seen any noticeable difference in the way they look or shave other than the fact I am getting a better edge each time from the experience that I gain. The edges actually get better rather than more dull.
    Last edited by ccase39; 02-16-2013 at 02:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    In a sense you may have over honed, but not in the traditional definition. I suggest that you take the first razor back to 8 k and spending a bit of time, like 40 passes on 8k for the second razor. Then just a few strokes on the pasted strop, like 4. Then gentle stropping on plain leather, maybe 100 gentle strokes.

    I think you have essentially over 4k'd both razors, but especially the second one.

    Kind of a guess though, I'm not certain.
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  5. #4
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Were you refreshing razors that were previously shave ready or starting from scratch on eBay / antique store blades?

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

  6. #5
    Senior Member Airportcopper's Avatar
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    Ok figured it out I think, went by ur recommendations .. Shaving smoother I believe the against the grain on face problem is more my style of shaving rather than the razor!

  7. #6
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    Never ever ever buy anything from Pakistan. Its horrible quality made in a sweatshop where people are paid starvation wages- to hell with that
    nun2sharp likes this.

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