OK, this is my first razor honing and, actually my first sharpening experience all together and I have a few questions. I have read all the forums and all the help files and watched all the help videos (which by the way I found confusing - some X, some don't, some do round trips, some work the same side 3-4 times). I usually approach fine motor hand skills with a great deal of confidence, and this one is proving a challenge. I do not have the experience to assess the thumb test and my razor does not pass the HHT though it can take down arm hairs with a tiny bit of tugging. When shaving it is not a brutal experience, but when going at decent beard I get some tugging. In comparing with a DE shave I am getting alot more tugging from the str8. I have been trying to learn the knack for testing off the DE blades. I do notice that my DE blades will not pass the HHT either, and feel very similar in the thumb pad test. I am following the terrific advice found here and I by no means giving up. My razor is a Hess #1 and the blade is in slightly less than factory new condition in my assessment (and based on the info of the person that I got it from). I have done the aggressive pyramid, followed by the non-aggressive, then shaved, then done the non-aggressive, then shaved, non-aggressive - and I plan to continue doing this as I seem to be getting some improvement. I have lapped the stone. I am X ing.

I have a few questions:
1) do people tend to approach the hone on the short side and therefore pushing and pulling, or approach on the long side and therefore more hone laterally, in a side to side fashion. I have been doing push-pull as this seems easier to keep the spine and cutting edge in contact. I place the finger and thumb of the left hand on the spine, at the tip to keep contact. I try my utmost not to apply pressure, but think I may be applying to much pressure.

2) pressure - can this by learned over the internet or from a book? I try to apply only enough to maintain contact, but think I am applying to much - any tips for evaluating if I am applying to much pressure?

3) after soaking the stone, how much water? On the 4k side I think I should be able to see the blade pushing water and have been doing this. On the 8K, I have been working with damp, but no puddles. Does this really matter? Should I err on the side of too much or too little?

Thanks for any tips
